Agricultural and Livestock Service of Chile (SAG)


The Agricultural and Livestock Service of Chile (SAG) is an official organism in charge of supporting the development of the agriculture, the forestry and livestock, by protecting and enhancing animal and vegetable species' health.

In order to prevent the introduction of diseases or pests that could affect animals or plants into the country, and seriously damage agriculture, phyto and zoo health, Border controls have been established. These controls operate at entry zones of the country, whether it is by land, air or sea. In this control spots, products, transporting vehicles, passenger baggage, crew and commercial cargo of agricultural products (fruits, milk, cheese, etc.) are thoroughly inspected in order to verify that they comply with the established sanitary regulations.

By exporting animal or vegetable products, SAG participates in their sanitary certification, which is internationally recognized for having been elaborated based on rules and standards that regulate world trade. In order to achieve this, the SAG participates in agreements with other countries.

The SAG also carries out different actions to preserve and improve renewable natural resources, which affect agricultural, livestock and forest production: the SAG concerns about controlling the pollution of irrigation waters, conserving wild flora and fauna, and improving the soil resources, in order to prevent erosion and maintaining its productivity.

Another of the SAG's functions in the supervision of food and medicines, made for animals son that these are safe and don't cause alterations in their health. In the other hand, it also regulates that the chemicals and biological products used in the control of plant pests complies with their manufacturing standards.

The achievement of these conditions has been an advantage for having an excellent health condition of plants and animals of a great economic importance, which is considered a valuable national heritage.

The Agricultural and Livestock Service is present in the national territory with: 16 regional offices, 66 sectorial offices, 96 Border controls and 11 diagnostic laboratories with an advanced analysis technology.


140 Presidente Bulnes Av.

Santiago, Chile.

(02) 2345-1100
