Association of Argentine Producers and Exporters APEA


The Association of Argentine Producers and Exporters APEA was founded by a dozen producer groups and breeders' associations that had already been operating individually.

Their founding objective is

To carry out, on a non-profit basis, any type of promotional, technical, scientific research or administrative activity that aims at or collaborates with the commercial activity of groups of beef producers and exporters.

Other objectives are

  • the promotion of the participation of producers in associative processes.
  • the dissemination of the advantages of the direct presence of producers in the use of the export quotas of meat granted to Argentina.
  • the integration and collaboration of the links that make up the productive, industrial and commercial chain of beef.

APEA's partner's profile

  • The Producer Groups and Breeders Associations associated with APEA present a great diversity regarding their organizational structure and integration.
  • Non-profit civil associations or Breeders' Associations.
  • Livestock Cooperatives.
  • Producer Groups Associated Administrators.

It is important to emphasize that in over 20 years of continuity of the current model of participation of producer groups, the development of their administrative and commercial structures has been achieved without requesting or obtaining subsidies, exemptions or privileges from the national authorities.

Another aspect, regardless their functional structure, is the status of Small and Medium-sized Enterprises, composed with 100% of the domestic capital.

Regarding the amount of members, there is not a pattern. Small groups coexist in the system with no more than a dozen producers and larger organizations that have more than a hundred members. The same applies to the number of members on each group; they are a part of the system from small to large producers.

Within the universe of producers, those who seek this type of alternative are the same ones that lead the adoption of technologies or at least are more restless when it comes to reformulating their production and marketing schemes, followed by those who incorporate themselves to existing projects.
In all cases, their are united by their vocation for:

  • Partnering in the search of a larger scale that allows them to position and negotiate better with the other links in the chain.
  • Reduce the costs of structure and business management.
  • Enhance their production.


(011) 4312-8980


Suipacha 1111 - 16th floor
