Emeth Gluten Free Barra de Membrillo, 5 kg / 11 lb

$19.03 FOB price
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Dulfix SA
Dulfix SA nace en 1991, consolidando suposición en el mercado de materias primas, come...
011 4653-4396
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Nuestras ventajas
  • Dulfix líderes fabricantes de América Latina
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  • Emeth Quince Jelly Bar.
  • High quality ingredient At the best price!
  • Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders.
  • Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.

Emeth started in 1963 supplying bakeries and coffee shops with different products and grew until becoming a leader brand. Then, their started to expand their products and insert itself into the mass consumer market.

Sin gluten
  • Yes
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