Masseube Spreadable Sweet Blackcurrant Jam, 212 g / 7.47 oz

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The dulce de cassis is a dessert made with the fruit of the blackcurrant, also known as cassis. The fruit is cooked in water and sugar until it forms a thick, shiny jam, with an intense sweet and sour flavor. A little lemon juice is often added to enhance the flavor and balance the acidity.

Dulce de cassis is commonly used as a topping for desserts such as cakes, tarts, and ice cream. It can also be served as a condiment for meats, especially for game dishes such as duck or venison.

Cassis is a fruit native to Europe and Asia, and is cultivated in many parts of the world. It is a rich source of vitamin C and antioxidants, and has traditionally been used to treat conditions such as arthritis and gout.

Serving 100 g

Nutritional information

  • Energy: 235 kcal = 983 kJ.
  • Carbohydrates: 96 g.
  • Sugar: 96 g.
  • Protein: 0 g.
  • Fat: 0 g.
  • Saturated fat 0 g.
  • Fiber: 0 g.
  • Sodium: 0 mg.

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