Resultados de la búsquedaArtículo(s) encontrado(s): 3325

$4.42 (£3.35)
  • Modern style mate urbano with bombilla straw included
  • Easy to clean with removable straw for extracting yerba
  • Unbreakable mate & stainless steel straw
  • Various colors available
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$2.05 (£1.55)
Milka, Argentina
  • Producto: Chocolate Milka y Oreo con galletas.
  • Sabor: Chocolate cremoso de color blanco lechoso y en el interior la sensación crujiente de la galleta oreo.
  • Elaboración: Hecho en Argentina.
  • Peso: 55 g / 1,94 oz.
  • Azúcar: 26,9 g / 0,01 oz.


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$5.04 (£3.82)
Milka, Argentina
  • Product: Milka milk chocolate.
  • Flavor: Tender and creamy milk chocolate
  • Elaboration: Made in Argentina.
  • Weight: 150 g / 5.2 oz.
  • Sugar: 73.3 g / 0.02 oz.

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$1.05 (£0.79)
Milka, Argentina
  • Milka Choco Pausa Obleas Recubiertas de Chocolate con Leche relleno de chocolate.
  • Postres y Pasteles Tradicionales de alta calidad favoritos de los argentinos.
  • Excelentes Precios Calidad premium a un excelente precio, ya que se abastece directamente de productores y productores en América del Sur.
  • Contenedor a Granel Para chefs, cocinas comerciales y casas familiares. Bolsas de marca, bolsas a granel, pedidos del tamaño de una carga de camión.
  • Garantía de Satisfacción Respaldamos nuestros productos y a nuestros clientes. Si no está satisfecho con su pedido, comuníquese con nosotros y le ofreceremos una solución.
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$3.50 (£2.65)
Milka, Argentina
  • Sabor: Chocolate con leche tierno y cremoso con almendras.
  • Elaboración: Hecho en Argentina.
  • Garantía de Satisfacción Respaldamos nuestros productos y a nuestros clientes. Si no está satisfecho con su pedido, póngase en contacto con nosotros y le ofreceremos una solución.
  • Peso: 110 g / 3.88 oz.
  • Azúcar: 24,4 g / 0,86 oz.
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$3.50 (£2.65)
Milka, Argentina
  • Sabor: Chocolate aireado de leche tierno y cremoso mezclado con chocolate blanco.
  • Elaboración: Hecho en Argentina.
  • Garantía de Satisfacción Respaldamos nuestros productos y a nuestros clientes. Si no está satisfecho con su pedido, póngase en contacto con nosotros y le ofreceremos una solución.
  • Peso: 110 g / 3,88 oz.
  • Azúcar: 24,4 g / 0,86 oz.
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$3.01 (£2.28)
Mogul, Argentina
  • Gomitas Mogul Sabor Eucalipto.
  • Gomitas Sabores Menta Eucalipto menta sabor fresco.
  • Elaboración: Hecho en Argentina.
  • Garantía de Satisfacción Respaldamos nuestros productos y a nuestros clientes. Si no está satisfecho con su pedido, póngase en contacto con nosotros y le ofreceremos una solución.

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$1.30 (£0.98)
Milka, Argentina
  • Milka Galletas Con Relleno de Mousse de Chocolate.
  • Galletas Tradicionales Argentinas.
  • Ingrediente de Alta Calidad Al mejor precio!
  • Contenedor a Granel Para chefs, cocinas comerciales y casas familiares. Bolsas de marca, bolsas a granel, pedidos del tamaño de una carga de camión.
  • Garantía de Satisfacción Respaldamos nuestros productos y a nuestros clientes. Si no está satisfecho con su pedido, comuníquese con nosotros y le ofreceremos una solución.
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$11.14 (£8.43)
Matesur, Argentina
  • Construcción en Acero Inoxidable: La pajita de acero inoxidable de Matesur está fabricada en acero inoxidable de alta calidad, lo que garantiza durabilidad y longevidad. Está diseñado para soportar el uso frecuente y proporcionar una solución confiable para disfrutar del mate.
  • Filtro en Forma de Cuchara: La pajita cuenta con un filtro único en forma de cuchara en la parte inferior, lo que permite a los usuarios disfrutar del mate sin hojas sueltas ni sedimentos. El filtro filtra eficazmente el té, proporcionando una experiencia de bebida suave y limpia.
  • Alternativa Ecológica: La pajita de acero inoxidable de Matesur es una opción ecológica, ya que reduce el consumo de pajitas de plástico de un solo uso. Al optar por esta pajita reutilizable y sostenible, los clientes contribuyen a reducir los residuos plásticos y a proteger el medio ambiente.
  • Disponibilidad al por Mayor: Matesur ofrece pajitas de acero inoxidable para mate a granel, para compradores mayoristas. Esta característica lo convierte en una opción ideal para cafeterías, restaurantes o minoristas que buscan abastecerse de accesorios mate ecológicos para sus clientes.
  • Opciones Personalizables: Matesur ofrece la opción de personalizar las pajitas de acero inoxidable con el logotipo o la marca del comprador, lo que las convierte en una excelente opción para las empresas que buscan promocionar su marca y al mismo tiempo ofrecer un producto práctico y ecológico.
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$5.20 (£3.94)
Matesur, Argentina
  • Calidad Premium: El producto mayorista Antiadherente Estilo Uruguayo de Molienda Fina de Yerba Matesur ofrece una calidad excepcional, lo que garantiza una experiencia superior tanto para los minoristas como para los consumidores finales. Fabricado con materiales de alta calidad, garantiza una durabilidad y fiabilidad duraderas.
  • Auténtico Estilo Uruguayo: Esta oferta al por mayor se mantiene fiel al estilo tradicional uruguayo de preparación de yerba mate. Cuenta con un mecanismo de molienda fina que permite una textura suave y consistente, mejorando el sabor y aroma general de la yerba mate.
  • Revestimiento Antiadherente: El producto mayorista Antiadherente de Molienda Fina de Yerba Matesur de Estilo Uruguayo incorpora un revestimiento antiadherente especial, que evita que las hojas de yerba mate se peguen a la superficie del molinillo. Esta característica simplifica el proceso de limpieza y garantiza un rectificado sin esfuerzo para una experiencia sin complicaciones.
  • Diseño Ergonómico: Diseñado pensando en la comodidad, este molinillo al por mayor cuenta con un diseño ergonómico que permite un manejo cómodo y una operación fácil. Sus características fáciles de usar lo hacen adecuado tanto para los entusiastas experimentados de la yerba mate como para los nuevos en la bebida.
  • Ideal para Distribución Mayorista: El producto mayorista antiadherente de Molienda Fina de Yerba Matesur de Estilo Uruguayo es una excelente adición a cualquier tienda minorista o red de distribución. Sus características únicas, combinadas con su disponibilidad mayorista, lo convierten en una opción atractiva para las empresas que buscan ofrecer auténticos accesorios de yerba mate uruguaya a sus clientes.
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$11.14 (£8.43)
Matesur, Argentina
  • Comodidad para pedidos al por mayor: La Bombilla Recta Matesur de Acero Inoxidable con Punta de Bronce y Cuchara Filtrante está disponible para su compra al por mayor, ofreciendo a los minoristas y a las empresas la comodidad de pedir este elegante y funcional accesorio para el mate en grandes cantidades. Esto facilita la gestión eficiente del inventario y asegura un suministro constante para la demanda de los consumidores.
  • Precios al por mayor competitivos: Disfrute de precios al por mayor competitivos y atractivos para la Bombilla Recta Matesur, proporcionando a los minoristas un ahorro de costes por unidad. La atractiva estructura de precios mejora los márgenes de beneficio, haciendo de esta bombilla de elegante diseño una elección económicamente sólida para las empresas.
  • Construcción duradera en acero inoxidable: Fabricada pensando en la durabilidad, la bombilla tiene un cuerpo de acero inoxidable de alta calidad que garantiza un uso duradero. Los compradores al por mayor pueden ofrecer con confianza a sus clientes una herramienta fiable y reutilizable para tomar mate, lo que contribuye a la satisfacción del cliente y a la repetición del negocio.
  • Punta de bronce para mayor atractivo visual: La punta de bronce de la bombilla no sólo realza el atractivo visual, sino que también añade un toque de sofisticación al accesorio. Los compradores al por mayor pueden destacar esta característica distintiva, convirtiéndola en una opción atractiva para los clientes que buscan tanto estilo como funcionalidad en sus accesorios para el mate.
  • Cuchara filtrante para mayor comodidad: Equipada con una cuchara de filtro en la base, esta bombilla garantiza una infusión de mate suave y sin residuos. Los compradores al por mayor pueden hacer hincapié en la comodidad de la cuchara con filtro, atrayendo a los clientes que priorizan la limpieza fácil y un sorbo siempre claro en su experiencia de tomar mate.
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$15.06 (£11.40)
  • Comodidad para pedidos al por mayor: La Bombilla Gruesa Desmontable de Acero Inoxidable Matesur está disponible para la compra al por mayor, proporcionando a los minoristas y empresas la comodidad de pedir este innovador y duradero accesorio para mate en cantidades a granel. Esto permite una gestión eficiente del inventario y garantiza un suministro constante para satisfacer la demanda de los consumidores.
  • Precios al por mayor competitivos: Disfrute de precios al por mayor competitivos y atractivos para la Bombilla Desmontable Matesur, proporcionando a los minoristas un ahorro de costes por unidad. La atractiva estructura de precios mejora los márgenes de beneficio, haciendo de esta bombilla única y desmontable una opción económicamente sólida para las empresas.
  • Construcción de acero inoxidable grueso y duradero: Fabricada pensando en la durabilidad, esta bombilla presenta una gruesa estructura de acero inoxidable que garantiza un uso duradero. Los compradores al por mayor pueden ofrecer con confianza a sus clientes una herramienta fiable y robusta para tomar mate, lo que contribuye a la satisfacción y fidelidad de los clientes.
  • Diseño desmontable para facilitar la limpieza: La característica más destacada de esta bombilla es su diseño desmontable, que facilita su limpieza y mantenimiento. Los compradores mayoristas pueden destacar este factor de conveniencia, atendiendo a los clientes que priorizan una experiencia higiénica al tomar mate y un fácil mantenimiento de sus accesorios para el mate.
  • Exterior elegante y pulido: El exterior liso y pulido de la bombilla añade un toque de elegancia moderna. Los compradores al por mayor pueden destacar el atractivo visual de este accesorio, convirtiéndolo en una opción atractiva para los clientes que buscan estilo y funcionalidad en sus accesorios para el mate.
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$17.25 (£13.06)
Mate Pampa Mate Camionero Boca Ancha Rosa - Mate Reforzado con Bombilla Incluída (Varios Colores Disponibles) Disfruta de la auténtica...
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$5.06 (£3.83)
  • Experiencia auténtica, demanda comprobada: esta mezcla tradicional secada al sol con tallos encarna la herencia de la yerba mate argentina y satisface la creciente demanda de sabores auténticos en el mercado de la salud y el bienestar. Atraiga clientes exigentes y amplíe su gama de productos.
  • Ahorros en grandes cantidades, mayores ganancias: Nuestros paquetes de 500 g ofrecen ahorros significativos para compras en grandes cantidades, aumentando los márgenes de ganancias para su negocio. Reduzca la frecuencia de reabastecimiento y satisfaga la mayor demanda de manera eficiente.
  • Versatilidad para múltiples preparaciones: el formato de hojas sueltas se adapta a diversas preferencias de elaboración de cerveza, desde los métodos tradicionales de bulbo hasta la moderna elaboración de cerveza en frío. Ofrezca a los clientes flexibilidad y atraiga a una audiencia más amplia.
  • Calidad en la que puede confiar: las hojas secadas al sol de origen sostenible y los envases ecológicos demuestran nuestro compromiso con la calidad y la responsabilidad ambiental, alineándose con los valores de sus clientes.
  • Reconocimiento de marca y soporte de marketing: genere confianza con nuestra reputación de marca establecida y considere colaborar en materiales promocionales o eventos para atraer nuevos clientes y aumentar las ventas.
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$5.69 (£4.31)
Lucchetti, Argentina
  • Lucchetti Chipa Mix Flour.
  • Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders.
  • Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
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$3.14 (£2.38)
Mañanita, Argentina
  • Mañanita Yerba Mate, 500g.
  • Yerba Mate High Quality traditional flavors shipped straight to you.
  • Great prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America.
  • Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders.
  • Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
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$1.53 (£1.16)
Maizena, Argentina, Sí
  • Maizena Cornstarch Premix for Baking Alfajores.
  • Gluten Free.
  • Bulk box of 12 bags.
  • Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders.
  • Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
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$10.88 (£8.24)
  • Classic Flavor Fusion: Mantecol Classic Flavor Bañado en Chocolate offers the timeless combination of semi-soft peanut butter nougat enveloped in a luscious chocolate coating. The classic flavor fusion creates a satisfying treat for those who appreciate the perfect marriage of peanut and chocolate.
  • Luxurious Texture: Indulge in the luxurious texture of Mantecol's semi-soft peanut butter nougat that delicately melts in your mouth. The expertly crafted nougat provides a smooth and creamy experience, complemented by the velvety touch of the chocolate coating.
  • Perfectly Balanced Sweetness: Experience a well-balanced sweetness with Mantecol's Bañado en Chocolate, where the sweetness of the nougat harmonizes with the richness of the chocolate. The thoughtful balance ensures a delightful and not overly sugary taste, appealing to a broad range of palates.
  • Convenient Individual Packaging: Each piece of Mantecol Classic Flavor Bañado en Chocolate is individually wrapped, ensuring freshness and convenience. This feature makes it a convenient on-the-go snack or a shareable treat for gatherings and celebrations.
  • Versatile Treat: Whether enjoyed as a personal indulgence, shared during festive occasions, or presented as a delightful gift, Mantecol's Bañado en Chocolate is a versatile treat that adds a touch of sweetness to any moment. The classic combination of flavors makes it a go-to choice for those seeking a comforting and familiar treat.
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$1.47 (£1.11)
  • Bulk Ordering Convenience: Mantecol Marmolado Semi-Soft Peanut Butter Nougat is available for wholesale purchase, offering retailers and businesses the convenience of ordering this visually appealing and flavor-rich treat in bulk quantities. This facilitates efficient inventory management and ensures a consistent supply for consumer demand.
  • Competitive Wholesale Pricing: Enjoy competitive and attractive wholesale pricing for Mantecol Marmolado, providing retailers with cost savings per unit. The enticing pricing structure enhances profit margins, making this marbled peanut butter nougat an economically sound choice for businesses.
  • Artful Presentation: The marble-like swirls in Mantecol Marmolado not only contribute to its flavor but also make it visually distinctive. Wholesale buyers can capitalize on the artful presentation to attract customers seeking unique and aesthetically pleasing confectionery options.
  • Individually Wrapped for Freshness: Each piece of Mantecol Marmolado is individually wrapped, ensuring freshness and convenience. This feature enhances the shelf life of the product and makes it an ideal choice for on-the-go snacking or inclusion in gift baskets.
  • Versatile for Various Occasions: Mantecol Marmolado's unique combination of visual appeal and classic flavors makes it a versatile treat suitable for various occasions. Wholesale purchasers can position this product as an ideal choice for personal indulgence, sharing during celebrations, or as a thoughtful gift option, catering to a broad consumer base.
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$1.76 (£1.33)
  • La Virginia Herbs Boldo Tea.
  • Great prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America.
  • Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders.
  • Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
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$9.19 (£6.96)
  • La Yapa Mixed Fruit Candies.
  • Traditional Argentinian sweets.
  • Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders.
  • Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
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$14.05 (£10.64)

  • Large Camionero Mate Gourd.
  • Premium Leather.
  • Enameled Ceramics interior.
  • Great prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growersand producers in South America.
  • Bulk containerFor chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags,bulk bags, truck-load sized orders.
  • Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by ourproducts and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order,reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
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$3.59 (£2.72)
Los Nietitos, Uruguay, Sí

Gluten free: Ideal for people with gluten intolerance.
Versatility: Perfect for use in baking recipes, as a topping for desserts, or simply to enjoy with a spoon.
Guaranteed Quality: Product made with fresh milk and sugar, following strict quality standards.
Authentic Flavor: Traditional flavor experience that evokes the essence of Uruguayan pastries.

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$3.69 (£2.79)
  • Authentic Uruguayan Taste: This product offers a genuine taste of Uruguay, appealing to consumers seeking authentic and traditional food experiences.
  • Versatile Product Placement: The quince jelly can be positioned in various sections, including breakfast, cheese, and gourmet food areas, expanding its potential customer base.
  • Bulk Ordering & Competitive Pricing: Offering the product in bulk quantities with attractive pricing can encourage wholesale purchases and efficient inventory management.
  • Potential for Gift Baskets & Hampers: The classic nature of quince jelly makes it a suitable product for inclusion in gift baskets and hampers, expanding sales opportunities.
  • Strong Brand Recognition (if applicable): If Los Nietitos is a well-established brand, leverage its reputation for quality products to build trust with wholesalers and consumers. This can drive repeat purchases and increase overall sales.
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$2.10 (£1.59)
La Virginia, Argentina
  • La Virginia Tea Tilo Linden, chamomile and lemon verbena flavor.
  • Contains 25 tea bags.
  • Ideal For Relaxation To enjoy when you are taking some time or in a a small gathering.
  • Elaboration: Made in Argentina.
  • Satisfaction Guarantee We stand behind our products and our customers. If you are not satisfied with your order, please contact us and we will offer you a solution.
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$5.30 (£4.01)
Unidad, 7790480089949, La Tranquera, J. Llorente y Cia SA, 1.00, kg, 730 días, ASSAL, Argentina, 0903.00, 1 a 3 días, 7790480089949, Supermarkets, Unions, Kiosks, Food Service & Restaurants, 14000338, 14027255, 6, 6.18 kg, 6.00, kg, 39 cm, 17 cm, 24 cm, Sí
La Tranquera Yerba Mate Soft Special Selection es una opción premium para los amantes del mate que buscan una experiencia más suave y agradable. Con su...
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$1.34 (£1.01)
La Virginia, Argentina
  • La Virginia Tea Lemon flavor.
  • Contains 20 tea bags.
  • Ideal For Relaxation To enjoy when you are taking some time or in a a small gathering.
  • Elaboration: Made in Argentina.
  • Satisfaction Guarantee We stand behind our products and our customers. If you are not satisfied with your order, please contact us and we will offer you a solution.
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$2.36 (£1.79)
7790480089734, Unidad, La Tranquera, J Llorente y Cia SA, 500.00, g, 730 días, Argentina, 0903.00, 1 a 3 días, 7790480089734, Supermarkets, 14000338, 14027057, 12, 6.23 kg, 6.00, kg, 37790480089735, 43 cm, 23 cm, 19 cm, -, -, - kg, -, kg, - cm, - cm, - cm, Sí
La Tranquera Yerba Mate Tradicional con Palo, 500 g / 17.6 oz, es una yerba mate premium elaborada con palo, cuidadosamente seleccionada para ofrecer un...
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$15.41 (£11.67)
  • The Mate Torpedo Large Leather Is a beautifully crafted mate gourd made from high-quality leather, with a distinctive torpedo shape that makes it stand out.
  • Yerba mate is a Popular Herbal Tea Known for its numerous health benefits.
  • The Mate Torpedo Large Leather Enhance the flavor and aroma of the yerba mate, providing a truly authentic South American drinking experience.
  • The Combination of the Beautifully Crafted Gourd Is perfect for both seasoned yerba mate drinkers and curious beginners.
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$15.41 (£11.67)
  • Authentic Bliss in Bulk: Ditch the generic alternatives and elevate your store with these hand-crafted, premium leather gourds! Watch customer orders pour in as they embrace the timeless tradition of yerba mate in style. (Imagine stacks of beautifully crafted gourds next to a steaming cup of mate)
  • Cost-Effective Elegance: Wholesale pricing unlocks savings while you deliver unmatched craftsmanship and comfort. Happy customers, happy bottom line – the Torpedo gourd sings both tunes. (Imagine a stack of coins with a green checkmark superimposed)
  • Universal Appeal for Diverse Clientele: The earthy charm and modern flair cater to a broad audience, from traditional purists to those seeking sophisticated mate rituals. Consistent satisfaction, sip after delightful sip, is guaranteed. (Imagine people from different backgrounds enjoying mate from these gourds in various settings)
  • Hot or Cold, Wholesale Profits: This versatile wonder thrives in any form. Offer it in bulk and watch customers discover their perfect mate ritual, hot or cold, solo or with friends. (Imagine the gourd keeping mate hot for hours next to a person enjoying iced mate, both using the secure grip)
  • Sustainable Profits with Every Pour: The natural materials and long-lasting design resonate with today's eco-conscious consumers. Invest in long-term profits and watch your business flourish with every ethically sourced, durable purchase. (Imagine a happy customer enjoying mate from the gourd while holding a calabash squash, symbolizing the natural and responsible aspect)
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$7.29 (£5.52)
  • Wholesale Bulk Availability:The Laska Straw Stainless Steel Pico de Loro is available for wholesale bulk orders, providing retailers with the opportunity to stock up on this uniquely designed stainless steel straw and meet customer demand.
  • High-Quality Stainless Steel Construction:Crafted with high-quality stainless steel, this Pico de Loro straw offers durability and a modern aesthetic. The wholesale characteristic of premium construction ensures retailers can offer customers a reliable and visually appealing product.
  • Pico de Loro (Parrot Beak) Tip Design:The straw features a Pico de Loro (Parrot Beak) tip design, adding a touch of tradition and uniqueness to the product. This wholesale characteristic caters to customers seeking mate accessories with cultural significance, making it an attractive option for retailers aiming to provide distinctive products.
  • Versatile and Easy to Clean:The stainless steel construction makes the straw versatile and easy to clean. The wholesale characteristic of convenience enhances the overall appeal of the product for customers who appreciate hassle-free maintenance.
  • Ideal for On-the-Go Mate Enthusiasts:The Laska Straw Stainless Steel Pico de Loro is ideal for on-the-go mate enthusiasts. Its portable and durable design caters to customers with busy lifestyles, making it an appealing wholesale product for retailers looking to meet the needs of modern mate drinkers.

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$4.60 (£3.48)
  • Wholesale Bulk Availability:Laska Premium Yerba Mate Special Selection Natural Ageing is available for wholesale bulk orders, allowing retailers to stock up on this unique yerba mate blend and meet the demand of their customer base.
  • Natural Ageing Process:Crafted through a natural ageing process, this yerba mate blend boasts a distinctive flavor profile. The wholesale characteristic of natural ageing adds value to the product, attracting customers seeking a unique and authentic mate-drinking experience.
  • Rich and Robust Flavor:The natural ageing process enhances the richness and robustness of the yerba mate flavor. This wholesale characteristic caters to customers who appreciate bold and full-bodied mate profiles, making it an ideal choice for those seeking an authentic South American mate experience.
  • Premium Yerba Mate Leaves:Made from premium yerba mate leaves, this blend maintains a high standard of quality. The wholesale characteristic of premium ingredients ensures that retailers can offer customers a superior yerba mate product that aligns with their preferences for top-notch quality.
  • Versatile Appeal:The Laska Premium Yerba Mate Special Selection Natural Ageing has versatile appeal, suitable for a diverse customer base. Retailers can position this yerba mate blend as a premium and unique option, catering to both traditional mate enthusiasts and those looking to explore distinctive mate flavors.
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$14.06 (£10.64)
  • Eco-Conscious Appeal & Growing Market: Laska Mates Eco Leather Pocket Bags cater to the rising demand for sustainable products. This eco-friendly design resonates with environmentally conscious consumers and allows you to tap into a growing market segment.
  • Premium Look & Increased Profit Margins: The high-quality, eco-friendly leather offers a stylish and sophisticated aesthetic. This premium look justifies higher margins compared to traditional yerba mate containers, potentially increasing your profitability.
  • Durable Protection & Customer Satisfaction: The Laska Mates Eco Leather Pocket Bags protect yerba mate from moisture, odors, and crushing, ensuring freshness and longevity. This translates to increased customer satisfaction and repeat business.
  • Versatility & Broad Customer Base: These pocket bags are available in various sizes to accommodate different yerba mate gourd sizes. This versatility caters to a broader customer base and maximizes your sales potential.
  • Branding & Co-Branding Opportunities: Laska Mates offers a clean design perfect for customization. Partner with Laska Mates to co-brand these bags with your store logo or explore co-branding opportunities with yerba mate brands, creating a unique and targeted product offering.
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$1.65 (£1.25)
  • Targeting Health-Conscious Consumers & Market Growth: La Tranquera Yerba Mate Light caters to the growing market of health-conscious consumers seeking lower calorie or energy-boosted alternatives. This allows wholesalers to tap into a specific market segment with high growth potential.

  • Maintaining Yerba Mate Benefits & Brand Recognition: La Tranquera is likely a recognized brand known for its quality yerba mate. The "Light" version ensures the brand caters to a wider audience while potentially maintaining some of the core health benefits associated with yerba mate, like improved focus and energy. This can attract new customers for wholesalers without sacrificing brand recognition.

  • Bulk Purchase Savings & Competitive Pricing: Wholesalers benefit from cost savings when purchasing La Tranquera Yerba Mate Light in bulk. This allows for competitive pricing to retailers, potentially increasing sales volume and market share within the functional beverage category.

  • Reduced Spoilage Risk & Efficient Inventory Management: Since it caters to a specific audience, offering a smaller quantity like a "Light" version can help wholesalers manage inventory efficiently. This reduces the risk of spoilage compared to larger packages of traditional yerba mate, potentially lowering overhead costs.

  • Cross-Selling Opportunities & Bundled Promotions: Wholesalers can create attractive bundled promotions or suggest complementary products alongside La Tranquera Yerba Mate Light. This could include sugar-free sweeteners, reusable mate cups, or healthy snacks, potentially increasing overall sales volume.

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$0.77 (£0.58)
Jorgelín, Argentina, 1905.90
  • Jorgelín Triple Sugar Coated Filled with Dulce de Leche.
  • Argentinian favorite High-quality traditional desserts and pastries.
  • Great prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America.
  • Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders.
  • Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
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$0.52 (£0.39)
Unidad, 77905734, Jorgito, Alfajores Jorgito SA, g, 120 días, Argentina, 1905.90, 1 a 3 días, 77905734, Supermarkets, 01001352, 01032799, 24, 1.50 kg, 1.20, kg, 177909057000290, 35 cm, 16 cm, 9 cm, -, -, - kg, -, kg, - cm, - cm, - cm, Sí
  • Jorgito Alfajor Sugar Coated Filled with Quince Jelly.
  • Bulk box of 24 alfajores.
  • Argentinian favorite High-quality traditional desserts and pastries.
  • Great prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America.
  • Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders.
  • Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
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$5.59 (£4.23)
This powdered juice, because of its variety of flavors, is the top brand on the market. Low sugar, low-sodium and enriched with vitamins. One package yields...
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$6.88 (£5.21)
La Selva, Uruguay

La Selva Traditional Yerba Mate.

  • Careful Process Obtained through meticulous selection of leaves, ensuring the highest quality.
  • Drying and Processing Each stage of drying and processing is done with precision to enhance the authentic flavor.
  • Unique Flavor Offers the characteristic taste of traditional Uruguayan mate, perfect for yerba mate lovers.
  • Unmatched Quality Committed to high standards in production, guaranteeing an exceptional product.
  • Versatility Ideal for enjoying at any time of the day, whether alone or with company.
  • Tradition and Culture A symbol of Uruguayan culture, perfect for sharing special moments.
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$3.76 (£2.85)
Kurupí, Argentina
  • Kurupi Yerba Mate With Boldo & Mint.
  • Yerba Mate High Quality traditional flavors shipped straight to you.
  • Great prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America.
  • Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders.
  • Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
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$3.76 (£2.85)
Kurupí, Argentina
  • Kurupi Yerba Mate With Lemon & Mint.
  • Yerba Mate High Quality traditional flavors shipped straight to you.
  • Great prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America.
  • Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders.
  • Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
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$7.48 (£5.66)
La Selva, Uruguay

La Selva Yerba Mate For Nervous People.

  • Combines Tilo and Mburucuyá in an exclusive formula.
  • Herbs with sedative, anxiolytic and antispasmodic properties.
  • Reduces the effect of caffeine while enjoying the authentic taste of yerba mate.

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$1.94 (£1.47)
La Parmesana, Argentina
  • La Parmesana Vanilla Extract Perfect for flavoring baked goods.
  • Bulk of 24 bottles.
  • High quality ingredient At the best price!
  • Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders.
  • Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customer. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
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$1.54 (£1.17)
La Parmesana, Argentina
  • La Parmesana: The best spices.
  • Classic Argentine Criolla Flavor.
  • Ideal Mixture: Great for salads and meat.
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$12.99 (£9.83)
Juana La Loca, Uruguay, 1905.90
  • Juana La Loca Uruguayan alfajores.
  • Classic Chocolate Alfajores With dulce de leche.
  • Great Prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America.
  • Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
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$6.26 (£4.74)
Kalena, Argentina
  • Kalena Yerba Mate Agroecologic.
  • Yerba Mate High Quality traditional flavors shipped straight to you.
  • Great prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America.
  • Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders.
  • Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
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$12.61 (£9.55)
  • La ObereñaYerba Mate No Stems.
  • Yerba Mate High Quality traditional flavors shipped straight to you.
  • Great prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America.
  • Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders.
  • Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
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$1.15 (£0.87)
  • La Manchega Adobo: A versatile wholesale seasoning for meat that originates from the La Mancha region of Spain, known for its rich culinary heritage and traditional flavors.
  • Authentic Adobo Blend: Consists of a harmonious combination of high-quality spices and herbs, carefully selected to enhance the taste of various meats. The precise blend includes ingredients such as paprika, garlic, cumin, oregano, and black pepper, creating a well-balanced and flavorful profile.
  • La Manchega Adobo: Specifically designed for wholesale use, making it an ideal choice for restaurants, catering services, or any establishment that requires a consistent and reliable seasoning solution. The large-scale packaging ensures convenience and cost-effectiveness for bulk orders.
  • The Adobo Seasoning is Highly Versatile: Suitable for a wide range of meats, including chicken, pork, beef, and even game meats. It adds depth and complexity to the flavor profile while tenderizing the meat, resulting in succulent and delicious dishes that are sure to impress customers.
  • La Manchega Adobo Stands out for its Exceptional Quality and Authentic Taste: Allowing wholesale buyers to offer their customers a genuine Spanish culinary experience. With its wholesale characteristics, this seasoning blend ensures consistency, ease of use, and cost-efficiency, making it an excellent choice for businesses in the food industry.
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$5.01 (£3.79)
  • Gourmet Appeal & Upscale Presentation: La Campagnola Quince Jelly boasts a unique and sophisticated flavor, perfect for discerning customers and adding a touch of elegance to cheeseboards or charcuterie platters. The convenient can format allows for easy storage and display in upscale retail environments, maximizing profit margins.
  • All-Natural Ingredients & Clean Label Appeal: Made with real quince fruit and free from artificial flavors or preservatives, this quince jelly caters to the growing consumer preference for natural and healthy products. This clean label positioning attracts health-conscious customers and strengthens brand reputation.
  • Versatile Culinary Applications: La Campagnola Quince Jelly can be enjoyed on its own, paired with cheese and crackers, or incorporated into recipes for glazes, sauces, and desserts. This versatility allows retailers to target a wider audience and potentially increase sales volume.
  • Impulse Buy Potential & Gift-Giving Appeal: The attractive can format and unique flavor profile create an impulse buy opportunity at checkout displays. Additionally, this quince jelly makes for a perfect gourmet gift item, particularly during the holiday season, further increasing sales potential.
  • Profitable Shelf-Stable Option: The canned format ensures a long shelf life, minimizing spoilage and waste. This allows for efficient inventory management and reduces risk for wholesalers and retailers, contributing to overall profitability.
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