Corn or maize oil is the oil extracted from the germ of corn or maize. It has a variety of uses, both in cooking and non-cooking applications. Its high smoke point makes it valuable for cooking and deep frying. When it comes to industries, it is used as cleaner and lubricant, as well as to make fuel for gasoline and diesel.
This oil is widely available and most of the times it is chosen due to its accessible price, compared to other vegetable oils.
Market overview and production
The industrial process through which corn oil is obtained is called “wet milling”, because the corn grain is pre-soaked to soften the kernel and begin separating it into its constituent parts. It’s then fed through a series of mills and centrifuges. These separate the germ, starch, fiber, and gluten proteins. The corn oil that comes out of the wet-milling process is primarily intended for human consumption. The other process is called “dry milling”, but the corn oil obtained is used supplement feed, or as the basis of biodiesel.
The region of South America and the Caribbean represents more than 10% of cereal production (mainly maize) in the world, being Argentina, Brazil and Mexico the main producers.
Currently, in the Argentinian national ranking of oil production corn oil occupies the 4th place. Argentina is ranked in the 7th place worldwide. Along the country there are three corn oil processing plants, all located in Buenos Aires.
Frequently asked questions
Is corn a vegetable oil? Yes.
What is the difference between corn and sunflower oil? Corn oil has a lower smoke point but higher flavor than sunflower oil, which makes it better for salad dressings.
Is corn oil gluten free? Yes.
Is corn oil vegan? Yes.
How long does corn oil last? It lasts up to 24 months unopened. When opened, it can last as maximum 9 months, if properly stored.
Where can I purchase corn oil in bulk? You can purchase at Directoro direct from producers.
Related products and ideas
Make canned garlic at home. You need: 1-2 garlic bulb, corn oil, dried or fresh herbs.
Peel the garlic. Place all the cloves on a saucepan and cover them with oil and add herbs of your choice. When all cloves are soft, turn off the heat and wait some minutes to let all flavors come together. Save the garlic cloves on a jar and cover them with new oil. The cooking oil can be saved on another jar and it is possible to use it as flavored oil for salads. Enjoy!