Yerbal Viejo

Yerbal Viejo

Yerbal Viejo is a family business. Our goal is to reach consumers directly with a yerba produced in respect and care for nature. We see the grasslands as spaces of natural biodiversity and social histories, and we believe it is necessary to protect them; for this we use sustainable agricultural practices (use of biofertilizers, weed control with sheep, manual harvesting, agrochemical-free environment), on a path towards organic and agroecological certification. Our brand refers to the Yerbal Viejo Colony, in the central area of the Province of Misiones (a place that later in 1939 was renamed as "Oberá", the one that shines or shines, in the Mbya-Guarani language), a place of deep and fertile soils where our immigrant grandparents settled. It was they who planted the first yerbales back in 1920. It is these same plantations that even today continue to produce the yerba we sell. Following the family tradition, our entrepreneurship seeks to generate genuine sources of work, permanence in the farm and revaluation of agricultural work.

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