Air Freight Shipments

Directoro offers specialized air freight shipments services for international packages of up to 50 kg, connecting trusted exporters with buyers around the world. In addition, we offer "Exporta Simple" in Argentina and "Exporta Fácil" in Uruguay to facilitate international shipments for small and medium-sized businesses.

Our Services

How It Works

Our air freight services, along with Exporta Simple and Exporta Fácil, make it easy for any company in LATAM to access international markets with packages of 50 kg or less.

  1. Choose Your Service: Select between Exporta Simple (Argentina), Exporta Fácil (Uruguay), or our air freight services depending on your location and shipment needs.
  2. Contact Us: Get in touch with our team for advice and a personalized quote for your international shipment.
  3. Start Shipping: We handle all the necessary paperwork to ensure your packages are shipped internationally without complications.

Why Choose Directoro?

  • Specialization in LATAM: We focus on providing solutions for Latin American companies seeking to reach international markets.
  • Comprehensive Support: Our services cover everything from logistics to paperwork management for shipments of 50 kg or less.
  • Flexible Solutions: Whether using Exporta Simple, Exporta Fácil, or our air freight services, we tailor our approach to meet your company's needs.