One of the most widely used plants in both cooking and medicine is Lemon Verbena, also known as verbena, which is characterized by its intense lemon-like aroma.
Originally from Argentina, Chile and Peru, cedron leaves are used to prepare tea, which helps treat digestive and nervous problems, so it is considered a medicinal plant.
The Aloysia triphylla or cedar, is a woody shrub with elongated bright green leaves, characteristic for its intense aroma with citrus notes similar to those of lemon, whose flowering occurs in summer, with small white, pink or violet flowers.
Although this plant is native to the mountainous region of Argentina, Chile and Peru, it is found throughout the Americas, in Europe and Africa, and is also known as María Luisa, Verbena de las Indias or Yerbaluisa.
What are the properties and uses of Lemon Verbena?
Cedarwood has antiseptic, anti-inflammatory and sedative properties, so it is used in medicine to treat digestive disorders, such as diarrhea, colic, indigestion, nausea, vomiting and flatulence; as well as nervous system disorders, such as insomnia and anxiety.
On the other hand, Lemon Verbena is used in cooking to season drinks, salads, soups and meat and fish-based dishes, as well as cookies and desserts, thanks to its intense citrus aroma.
It is also used in perfumery and cosmetics, since its essence is often used as a taste and odor corrector.
How can the Lemon Verbena be consumed?
The most common way to consume Lemon Verbena is in tea, which helps to:
- Decrease stomach upset
- Relax and fall asleep
- Relieve headache
To prepare it, it is enough to boil 2 to 3 cedar leaves in water and let it brew for 5 minutes before drinking. Generally, this is taken after meals, that is, 3 times a day, although it is recommended to consult with the doctor before.