Cachamai Mate Cocido Infusion (25 teabags)

$0.62 FOB price
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  • Cachamai Mate Cocido is Typically Sold in Large Quantities, Making it a popular choice for wholesale purchases.
  • Wholesalers may Benefit from Bulk Pricing When purchasing Cachamai mate cocido, allowing them to sell the product at a competitive price.
  • Due to its Popularity in Argentina, Cachamai mate cocido may be a profitable item for wholesalers looking to expand their Latin American product offerings.
  • Cachamai Mate Cocido has a Long Shelf Life, Making it a convenient product for wholesalers who need to store inventory for an extended period of time.
  • Wholesalers May also Consider Offering Cachamai Mate Cocido as Part of a Larger Yerba mate Product Line, including traditional mate and other mate-based beverages.

Cachamai mate cocido is a traditional Argentinean beverage made from yerba mate leaves. It is a popular alternative to traditional brewed mate, which requires a special gourd and bombilla (a metal straw with a strainer at the bottom).

To prepare Cachamai mate cocido, the yerba mate leaves are finely ground and packed into tea bags. The bags are then steeped in hot water for a few minutes, creating a flavorful and aromatic infusion. The resulting beverage is rich and earthy with a slightly bitter taste and is often enjoyed with sugar or honey.

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