Chofitol Plus After-Food Digestive With Artichoke, Boldo, Daucus Carota, Menthol Extract, 120 ml / 4.06 oz dropper bottle

$13.05 FOB price
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  • Bulk Packaging: Chofitol Plus After-Food Digestive is available in bulk quantities, making it suitable for wholesale purchase. This allows retailers or distributors to stock a larger quantity of the product to meet customer demands.
  • Cost-effective Pricing: As a wholesale product, Chofitol Plus After-Food Digestive often offers cost-effective pricing options. Wholesale purchasing allows for discounted rates, making it attractive for businesses looking to maximize profit margins or offer competitive pricing to their customers.
  • Flexible Packaging Options: Chofitol Plus After-Food Digestive may offer flexible packaging options for wholesale orders. This could include different bottle sizes or packaging variations tailored to the needs of wholesalers, enabling them to cater to specific market segments or customer preferences.
  • Customizable Labeling: Wholesale orders of Chofitol Plus After-Food Digestive may provide the opportunity for customized labeling. Wholesalers could potentially have their own branding or labeling information added to the product packaging, enhancing their brand visibility and recognition.
  • Support for Distribution Channels: Chofitol Plus After-Food Digestive may offer additional support to wholesalers in terms of distribution channels. This could include streamlined logistics, prompt shipping, and assistance with inventory management to ensure smooth operations for wholesalers and their customers.

The Chofitol Plus After-Food Digestive with Artichoke is a popular digestive supplement that comes in a bottle. While I don't have information on the specific packaging of this product as of my knowledge cutoff in September 2021, I can provide a general description of what you might expect.

The Chofitol Plus bottle is typically made of plastic or glass and is designed to hold the digestive capsules or tablets. It usually has a tight-sealing cap or lid to ensure the product remains fresh and protected from moisture and contaminants. The bottle may come in various sizes, depending on the manufacturer and the quantity of capsules or tablets it contains.

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