The Traditional Carved Mate with Metal Ring Gourd is a unique and exquisite piece of tableware that is commonly used to drink yerba mate, a traditional South American drink. The matte pumpkin is hand carved from a natural pumpkin and features intricate designs and patterns that are etched into the surface of the pumpkin.
The pumpkin is adorned with a metal ring around the opening that adds a touch of elegance to the design. The metal ring also serves a practical purpose, as it strengthens the pumpkin and prevents it from cracking or breaking over time.
To prepare yerba mate with this pumpkin, the meter is filled with loose-leaf yerba mate tea and hot water is added. Then a light bulb, a special metal straw with a filter on the end, is inserted into the matte pumpkin, which allows the tea to be drunk through the straw while the loose tea remains in the pumpkin.