Pseudoplatystoma is a genus of several South American catfish species of family Pimelodidae. The species are known by a number of different common names. They typically inhabit major rivers where they prefer the main channels and tend to stay at maximum depth.
In their native waters, these fish may be called surubí in Guaraní. This name is also used in some Spanish-speaking countries and in Brazil (surubi or surubim). In Peru they are called doncella or zúngaro. It can also be named as bagre rayado/rajado or pintadillo/pintado (tiger catfish or tiger–shovelnose in English).
The distribution of Pseudoplatystoma species includes the following rivers in South America: the Amazon, São Francisco in Brazil, Orinoco and Magdalena in Colombia, Paraná in Argentina, among others. They have not been reported from river basins draining into the Pacific.
In the Argentine province of Entre Ríos alone, about 27,000 tonnes of surubís are harvested every year, comprising 70 to 80% of the total capture there, mostly concentrated on the fishing area near the city of Victoria, opposite Rosario, Santa Fe.
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Make Surubi soup at home. You need: 500g white fish, 5 diced tomatoes, 1 chopped pepper, 1 diced onion, 1 chopped carrot, 5 minced garlic cloves, 1/4 cup heavy cream, 100 ml white wine, 1 cup of semi-soft cheese such as mozzarella, salt and spices to taste and 2 tbsp olive oil.
In a medium pan, heat the olive oil over medium-low heat, once it is heated, add the pepper, onion, carrot, tomatoes, and garlic, and cook until tender for 10 to 15 minutes. Add the wine and fish stock. Bring it to a boil and immediately reduce heat to low; simmer gently for 10 minutes. Add the potatoes and cook covered until the potatoes are tender. Add the spices and salt. Bring the fish soup to a slow simmer over medium-low heat. Continue stirring until the fish is cooked. Stir in the cream. Serve with a slice of crusty bread and enjoy!