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Porción 50 g Información nutricional Valor energético: 182 kcal = 761 kJ. Hidratos de carbono: 35 g. Azúcar: 0 g. Proteínas: 4,4 g. Grasas: 3,3 g. Grasas saturadas: 0,1 g. Grasas trans: 0 g. Fibra: 1,1 g. Sodio: 70 mg.
$2.90 (£2.31)
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Elegancia Artística: El Sacacorchos de Incienso de Madera Xutill en Estuche Tubular es un abridor de vino artístico que irradia elegancia con su mango de madera, lo que lo convierte en una opción atractiva para los clientes mayoristas que aprecian la artesanía fina. Atractivo multifuncional: Este abridor de vino ofrece tanto funcionalidad como estilo, ya que sirve como sacacorchos fiable y como pieza decorativa, satisfaciendo a una clientela diversa que busca accesorios versátiles para el vino. Elegante Estuche Tubular: Cada Sacacorchos Xutill viene con un elegante estuche tubular, que ofrece un cómodo almacenamiento y protección, mejorando el valor del producto para los compradores al por mayor. Ideal para regalar: La combinación de un sacacorchos elegante y un estuche bien diseñado lo convierte en un artículo de regalo deseable para los entusiastas del vino, conocedores del vino y personas que aprecian los accesorios de vino elegantes, aumentando su comerciabilidad para la distribución al por mayor. Mejora la experiencia del vino: El Sacacorchos de Incienso de Madera Xutill en Estuche Tubular es un elegante y versátil abridor de vino que atrae a aquellos que quieren elevar su experiencia del vino con un toque de arte. Esto lo convierte en una excelente adición a su inventario mayorista.
$94.49 (£75.28)
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Irresistible variedad de sabores: Las chupetines de sabores Flynn Paff Tutti Frutti presentan una deliciosa mezcla de sabores frutales que satisfacen una amplia gama de preferencias gustativas. Esta variedad las convierte en un éxito entre consumidores de todas las edades. Sorpresa masticable en el interior: Estas chupetines no son las típicas golosinas. Cuentan con un delicioso relleno masticable en su interior, añadiendo una capa extra de emoción y delicia que las diferencia de las chupetines tradicionales. Delicias sin gluten: Flynn Paff entiende la importancia de satisfacer las diversas necesidades dietéticas. Estas chupetines no contienen gluten, por lo que son aptas para una base de clientes más amplia, incluidos aquellos con restricciones dietéticas. Atractivo envase: Las chupetines vienen en envases llamativos y vibrantes, lo que las convierte en una gran opción para la reventa o el regalo. Su atractivo aspecto en las estanterías de las tiendas puede aumentar las ventas y atraer a los consumidores. Perfectas para la venta al por mayor: Si se dedica a la venta de productos de confitería, las chupetines Flynn Paff sabor Tutti Frutti con relleno masticable son un excelente complemento para su oferta al por mayor. Su atractivo universal, combinado con la excitante sorpresa masticable, puede convertirlas en un éxito de ventas entre sus productos.
$5.25 (£4.18)
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Construcción duradera: Fabricado en plástico negro de alta calidad, el Mate Pampa Camionero XL Negro Plastic Gourd garantiza durabilidad y longevidad, por lo que es un accesorio de mate confiable para los clientes. Diseño de gran tamaño: El tamaño XL de la calabaza proporciona un amplio espacio para una generosa porción de yerba mate, atendiendo a aquellos que aprecian una experiencia de mate más grande. Esta característica aumenta el atractivo del set para un público más amplio. Estética elegante y contemporánea: El color negro y el diseño contemporáneo de la calabaza ofrecen una estética elegante y moderna, por lo que es visualmente atractivo para los clientes que aprecian el estilo en sus accesorios de mate. Set completo con bombilla: La inclusión de una bombilla hecha a propósito añade valor al set, asegurando que los clientes tengan todas las herramientas esenciales para una auténtica experiencia de tomar mate. Esta integridad aumenta la comodidad y la comerciabilidad del producto. Versátil para uso personal y compartido: El tamaño XL y la bombilla incluida hacen que este set de mate sea versátil tanto para el disfrute personal como para compartir con amigos. Los compradores al por mayor pueden posicionarlo como una opción ideal para diversas ocasiones de tomar mate, ampliando su atractivo en el mercado.


Black Brown Pink Green White
$15.83 (£12.61)
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Conveniencia a Granel: ¡Deja atrás el constante revuelo del chimichurri! Las generosas cantidades de La Manchega garantizan un suministro constante del estilo argentino para tus platos, sin necesidad de una frenética reposición. Fiesta de Sabor Económica: Los precios al por mayor desbloquean ahorros mientras ofreces un sabor premium. Clientes felices, línea de fondo feliz: el chimichurri de La Manchega toca ambas melodías. Sellado de Frescura: Empaquetado de forma segura para atrapar el potente aroma y las hierbas vibrantes, este condimento ofrece un sabor consistente, receta tras receta. Tus platos bailarán con el sabor de Argentina. Valor Versátil: Desde jugosos filetes hasta verduras asadas, el chimichurri de La Manchega añade un toque de tango argentino a innumerables platos. Amplía tu menú y deleita a tus clientes con infinitas posibilidades. Personaliza la Etapa de la Sal: ¡No es necesario establecer previamente el nivel de picante! Este condimento sin sal te permite ajustar la intensidad según las preferencias de tus clientes. Ya sea suave o picante, la etapa de la sal está en tus manos.
$0.84 (£0.67)
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Bonanza de sol a granel: ¡sáltese el revuelto de membrillos! Las cantidades generosas garantizan un suministro constante de sol argentino para sus estantes, manteniendo a los clientes contentos y los cuencos de aperitivos llenos. El clásico placer rentable: Los precios al por mayor te permiten ahorrar mientras ofreces un membrillo de primera calidad. Clientes contentos, cuenta de resultados feliz - la dulce melodía de La Campagnola canta ambas melodías. Frescura sellada para una sabrosa fiesta: Empaquetadas de forma segura para atrapar el brillo dorado y el fragante aroma del membrillo, estas barras ofrecen un deleite constante, lote tras lote. Valor versátil más allá del queso: El membrillo de La Campagnola añade un toque de magia argentina a innumerables ofertas. Amplíe su menú y deleite a sus clientes con infinitas posibilidades para picar. La comodidad conquista las cocinas: Olvídese de los tarros desordenados y los derrames pegajosos. Estas barritas precortadas están listas para tomar y llevar, manteniendo contentas a las cocinas y a los clientes volviendo a por más sol en cada bocado.
$2.35 (£1.87)
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Disponibilidad a granel al por mayor: El Pico de Loro de acero inoxidable con pajita de Laska está disponible para pedidos a granel al por mayor, lo que brinda a los minoristas la oportunidad de abastecerse de esta pajita de acero inoxidable de diseño exclusivo y satisfacer la demanda de los clientes. Construcción de acero inoxidable de alta calidad: fabricada con acero inoxidable de alta calidad, esta pajita Pico de Loro ofrece durabilidad y una estética moderna. La característica mayorista de la construcción premium garantiza que los minoristas puedan ofrecer a los clientes un producto confiable y visualmente atractivo. Diseño de punta Pico de Loro (Pico de loro): La pajita presenta un diseño de punta Pico de Loro (Pico de loro), agregando un toque de tradición y singularidad al producto. Esta característica mayorista atiende a clientes que buscan accesorios para mate con importancia cultural, lo que la convierte en una opción atractiva para los minoristas que buscan ofrecer productos distintivos. Versátil y fácil de limpiar: la construcción de acero inoxidable hace que la pajita sea versátil y fácil de limpiar. La característica mayorista de conveniencia mejora el atractivo general del producto para los clientes que aprecian un mantenimiento sin complicaciones. Ideal para los entusiastas del mate en movimiento: el Pico de Loro de acero inoxidable con pajita Laska es ideal para los entusiastas del mate en movimiento. Su diseño portátil y duradero está dirigido a clientes con estilos de vida ocupados, lo que lo convierte en un producto mayorista atractivo para los minoristas que buscan satisfacer las necesidades de los bebedores de mate modernos.
$7.29 (£5.81)
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Disponibilidad al por mayor: El Mini Pastel Simple Alfajor en Chocolate con Leche de Cofler Block está disponible al por mayor, lo que permite a los minoristas almacenar este popular y delicioso manjar en mayores cantidades, satisfaciendo la demanda de los clientes golosos. Empaque a granel para minoristas: Diseñado pensando en los minoristas, este mini pastel viene en empaque a granel, lo que facilita a las tiendas administrar el inventario de manera eficiente. La característica mayorista de los envases a granel garantiza que los minoristas puedan exhibir y vender fácilmente este atractivo regalo. Comercialización versátil: El mini pastel simple Alfajor Block de Cofler es versátil en su atractivo, lo que lo hace adecuado para diversos entornos minoristas. Desde tiendas de conveniencia hasta tiendas especializadas, los minoristas pueden posicionar este mini pastel como una compra impulsiva irresistible o una adición atractiva a la sección de confitería. Ideal para regalos y eventos: Con su tamaño mini y su delicioso sabor, este Alfajor Simple Mini Cake es perfecto para regalos y eventos. Los minoristas pueden comercializarlo como un complemento encantador para cestas de regalo, obsequios para fiestas u ocasiones especiales, atrayendo a los clientes que buscan delicias únicas y deliciosas. Atractivo de marca reconocible: Cofler es una marca reconocida y bien establecida conocida por su compromiso con la calidad y el sabor. La característica mayorista del reconocimiento de marca mejora el atractivo del producto, convirtiéndolo en una oferta atractiva para los minoristas que buscan ofrecer a los clientes opciones de confitería apreciadas y confiables.
$0.46 (£0.37)
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Experiencia auténtica, demanda comprobada: esta mezcla tradicional secada al sol con tallos encarna la herencia de la yerba mate argentina y satisface la creciente demanda de sabores auténticos en el mercado de la salud y el bienestar. Atraiga clientes exigentes y amplíe su gama de productos. Ahorros en grandes cantidades, mayores ganancias: Nuestros paquetes de 500 g ofrecen ahorros significativos para compras en grandes cantidades, aumentando los márgenes de ganancias para su negocio. Reduzca la frecuencia de reabastecimiento y satisfaga la mayor demanda de manera eficiente. Versatilidad para múltiples preparaciones: el formato de hojas sueltas se adapta a diversas preferencias de elaboración de cerveza, desde los métodos tradicionales de bulbo hasta la moderna elaboración de cerveza en frío. Ofrezca a los clientes flexibilidad y atraiga a una audiencia más amplia. Calidad en la que puede confiar: las hojas secadas al sol de origen sostenible y los envases ecológicos demuestran nuestro compromiso con la calidad y la responsabilidad ambiental, alineándose con los valores de sus clientes. Reconocimiento de marca y soporte de marketing: genere confianza con nuestra reputación de marca establecida y considere colaborar en materiales promocionales o eventos para atraer nuevos clientes y aumentar las ventas.
$5.06 (£4.03)
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Fusión sabrosa, éxito minorista: esta mezcla combina la yerba mate clásica con refrescantes hierbas de montaña como poleo, menta y peperina, atrayendo a clientes que buscan experiencias de sabor únicas. Amplíe su selección de yerba mate e impulse las ventas. Energía natural y bienestar: repleta de la cafeína natural de la yerba mate y las propiedades revitalizantes de las hierbas, esta mezcla está dirigida a consumidores preocupados por su salud que buscan aumentos de energía natural y apoyo al bienestar. Aproveche el creciente mercado del bienestar. Suave y refrescante: la mezcla equilibrada ofrece un perfil de sabor suave con acentos herbáceos, lo que garantiza un atractivo generalizado más allá de los sabores intensos de la yerba mate. Atraer a bebedores de yerba mate tanto experimentados como nuevos. Alta calidad y sustentable: Cachamai obtiene sus hojas de manera sustentable y utiliza ingredientes naturales, alineándose con el valor de calidad y responsabilidad ambiental de los clientes. Genere confianza y lealtad con su clientela. Comodidad y rentabilidad a granel: Disponible en varios tamaños a granel, para satisfacer las necesidades de cafeterías, restaurantes y minoristas. Reduzca la frecuencia de reabastecimiento, ofrezca precios competitivos y maximice la rentabilidad.
$1.69 (£1.35)
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Punto de entrada suave, mercado en crecimiento: esta mezcla extra suave satisface la creciente demanda de experiencias más suaves con yerba mate, atrayendo nuevos clientes y ampliando su alcance más allá de los entusiastas tradicionales. Base de clientes más amplia: El molido fino y el sabor suave atraen a aquellos con paladares sensibles o que buscan una presentación más suave, diversificando su base de clientes e impulsando las ventas. Ahorros al por mayor, mayores ganancias: Nuestros paquetes de 500 g ofrecen ahorros significativos para compras al por mayor, maximizando los márgenes de beneficio para su negocio y reduciendo la frecuencia de reposición. Calidad y sostenibilidad: las hojas secadas al sol de origen sostenible y los envases ecológicos demuestran nuestro compromiso con la calidad y la responsabilidad ambiental, alineándonos con los valores de sus clientes. Reconocimiento de marca y soporte de marketing: asóciese con nuestra reputación de marca establecida y considere colaborar en campañas de marketing específicas para atraer nuevos clientes y promover la mezcla Extra Soft.
$3.80 (£3.03)
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Sabor único y atractivo de tendencia: esta mezcla de múltiples hierbas satisface la creciente demanda de sabores innovadores de yerba mate, atrayendo a clientes conscientes de las tendencias y ampliando su gama de productos. Beneficios funcionales, audiencia más amplia: la combinación de yerba mate que aumenta la energía y hierbas calmantes aprovecha el mercado del bienestar, atrayendo a consumidores preocupados por su salud y diversificando su base de clientes. Ahorros y rentabilidad al por mayor: Nuestros paquetes de 500 g ofrecen ahorros significativos para compras al por mayor, aumentando los márgenes de beneficio y reduciendo la frecuencia de reposición de existencias para su negocio. Calidad superior y sostenibilidad: los ingredientes de origen sostenible y los envases ecológicos demuestran nuestro compromiso con la calidad y la responsabilidad ambiental, alineándonos con los valores de sus clientes. Reconocimiento de marca y soporte de marketing: asóciese con nuestra reputación de marca establecida y considere colaborar en campañas específicas para atraer nuevos clientes y promover esta combinación única.
$4.13 (£3.29)
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Sabor suave y atractivo amplio: Nobleza Gaucha Soft Yerba Mate atiende a un público más amplio que busca una experiencia de mate más suave. El perfil de sabor menos intenso atrae a nuevos consumidores y complementa las ofertas existentes de yerba mate, aumentando potencialmente las ventas y la participación de mercado. Calidad Premium y reconocimiento de marca: Asóciese con Nobleza Gaucha, una marca reconocida conocida por su yerba mate de alta calidad. Este reconocimiento de marca establecido agiliza los esfuerzos de marketing y garantiza una calidad constante para sus clientes. Opciones a granel y rentabilidad: disponibles en varios tamaños de paquetes para satisfacer diversas necesidades y optimizar la gestión de inventario. Minimice costos y ofrezca comodidad con paquetes más grandes, ideales para ventas de gran volumen en supermercados, tiendas naturistas y distribuidores. Adquisición rentable de nuevos clientes: El perfil de sabor más suave de la yerba mate suave Nobleza Gaucha puede atraer nuevos clientes que puedan dudar en probar la yerba mate tradicional. Esto abre puertas para la adquisición de clientes y un mayor potencial de ventas. Potencial de marketing dirigido: Desarrollar materiales de marketing de marca compartida con Nobleza Gaucha destacando las características "suaves" de esta yerba mate. Esto le permite dirigirse a segmentos de clientes específicos y potencialmente aumentar las ventas dentro del creciente mercado de bebidas saludables.
$5.09 (£4.06)
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Atractivo gourmet y presentación exclusiva: La gelatina de membrillo La Campagnola cuenta con un sabor único y sofisticado, perfecto para clientes exigentes y para agregar un toque de elegancia a tablas de quesos o platos de embutidos. El práctico formato de lata permite un fácil almacenamiento y exhibición en entornos minoristas exclusivos, maximizando los márgenes de beneficio. Ingredientes totalmente naturales y atractivo de etiqueta limpia: Elaborada con fruta de membrillo real y sin saborizantes ni conservantes artificiales, esta jalea de membrillo satisface la creciente preferencia de los consumidores por productos naturales y saludables. Este posicionamiento de etiqueta limpia atrae a clientes preocupados por su salud y fortalece la reputación de la marca. Aplicaciones culinarias versátiles: La jalea de membrillo La Campagnola se puede disfrutar sola, acompañada con queso y galletas saladas, o incorporada a recetas de glaseados, salsas y postres. Esta versatilidad permite a los minoristas dirigirse a un público más amplio y potencialmente aumentar el volumen de ventas. Potencial de compra impulsiva y atractivo para regalar: el atractivo formato de la lata y el perfil de sabor único crean una oportunidad de compra impulsiva en las cajas. Además, esta gelatina quince es un regalo gourmet perfecto, especialmente durante la temporada navideña, lo que aumenta aún más el potencial de ventas. Opción rentable y estable en almacenamiento: el formato enlatado garantiza una larga vida útil, minimizando el deterioro y el desperdicio. Esto permite una gestión eficiente del inventario y reduce el riesgo para mayoristas y minoristas, contribuyendo a la rentabilidad general.
$5.01 (£3.99)
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Galletas Pozo de Vainilla Perfectas para disfrutar con mate, para preparar tiramisú y otros deliciosos postres. Caja granel de 24 unidades. Ingrediente de alta calidad ¡Al mejor precio! Contenedor a granel Para chefs, cocinas comerciales y casas unifamiliares. Bolsas de marca, bolsas a granel, pedidos del tamaño de una carga de camión. Garantía de satisfacción Respaldamos nuestros productos y a nuestros clientes. Si no está satisfecho con su pedido, comuníquese con nosotros y le ofreceremos una solución.
$0.98 (£0.78)
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High-Quality Ingredients & Brand Recognition: Don Satur leverages its reputation for quality by using premium ingredients in their Classic Talitas Long Crackers. This established brand recognition simplifies sales efforts for wholesalers and attracts retailers looking for trusted snack options. Large Pack Size & Cost Efficiency: Don Satur Classic Talitas Long Crackers likely come in larger packages for wholesale purchase. This translates to lower costs per unit for wholesalers, allowing for competitive pricing to retailers and potentially increasing profit margins. Versatility & Impulse Buy Potential: These long crackers offer a versatile snack option perfect for on-the-go consumption or pairing with cheese, dips, or spreads. This broadens their appeal and positions them as an ideal impulse buy at checkout counters, potentially boosting sales volume for wholesalers. Longer Shelf Life & Reduced Spoilage: Crackers generally boast a long shelf life, minimizing spoilage and waste for wholesalers and retailers. This allows for efficient inventory management and potentially reduces overall costs. Private Label Opportunity & Branding Control: Wholesalers can explore private label opportunities with Don Satur. Creating their own branded long cracker using Don Satur's high-quality ingredients allows for greater control over branding, potentially attracting new customer segments, and increasing profit margins.
$1.17 (£0.93)
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Unique & Convenient Snack Option: Don Satur Talitas con Queso offers a unique and convenient snack option, combining the benefits of seeds with the deliciousness of cheese. This differentiation from plain seed mixes can attract customer attention and potentially increase sales volume for wholesalers. Increased Profit Margins & Impulse Purchases: The combination of seeds and cheese might position the product as a premium snack, allowing wholesalers to potentially set higher prices and increase profit margins. Additionally, the convenient packaging can encourage impulse purchases at checkout counters, further boosting sales. Broader Consumer Appeal & Catering to Trends: The inclusion of cheese caters to a wider range of taste preferences, potentially attracting customers who might not enjoy plain seeds. This broader appeal can lead to increased sales volume for wholesalers. Additionally, cheese remains a popular ingredient, aligning with current trends in snacking. Shelf-Life Optimization & Reduced Spoilage: While cheese might shorten the shelf life compared to plain seeds, Don Satur Talitas con Queso likely uses shelf-stable cheese varieties. This ensures a reasonable shelf life for wholesalers and retailers, minimizing spoilage and waste. Cross-Selling & Bundling Opportunities: Don Satur Talitas con Queso can be bundled with other Don Satur products like crackers or dried fruits, creating attractive snack gift baskets or promoting complementary healthy snack options. This cross-selling strategy can increase overall sales volume for wholesalers.
$1.17 (£0.93)
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Impulse Buy Potential & High-Profit Margins: The playful and convenient cone format with creamy dulce de leche filling creates an ideal impulse buy at checkout counters. This can lead to increased sales volume for wholesalers and potentially allows for higher profit margins due to the perceived premium nature of the individual treats. Long Shelf Life & Reduced Spoilage: The chocolate coating and shelf-stable nature of dulce de leche contribute to a long shelf life for Jorgito Chocolate Cones. This minimizes spoilage and waste for wholesalers and retailers, translating to lower overhead costs and efficient inventory management. Portion Control & Consistent Quality: The individual cone format ensures consistent portion control and overall quality across each treat. This simplifies inventory management for wholesalers and builds trust with retailers and consumers seeking a reliable product. Brand Recognition & Marketing Advantage: Jorgito is likely a well-known and beloved brand in Latin America. Wholesalers can leverage this established brand recognition to potentially simplify sales efforts and attract retailers looking for trusted confectionery products. Variety & Customizable Options: Consider the potential for bulk purchasing a variety of Jorgito chocolate cone flavors or exploring private label options with the brand. This allows wholesalers to cater to diverse customer preferences and potentially create unique offerings, increasing overall sales appeal.
$7.03 (£5.60)
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Nobleza Gaucha Yerba Mate Yerba Mate Sabores tradicionales de alta calidad enviados directamente a usted. Excelentes precios Calidad premium a un excelente precio, ya que se abastece directamente de cultivadores y productores de América del Sur. Contenedor a granel Para chefs, cocinas comerciales y casas unifamiliares. Bolsas de marca, bolsas a granel, pedidos del tamaño de una carga de camión. Garantía de satisfacción Respaldamos nuestros productos y a nuestros clientes. Si no está satisfecho con su pedido, comuníquese con nosotros y le ofreceremos una solución.
$5.09 (£4.06)
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Super Cabrales Ground Roasted Coffee Blend. Great prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$7.44 (£5.93)
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Terma is a classic Argentinian brand of bitter drinks made with herbs. You can drink it cold, mixed with water or soda.
$7.99 (£6.37)
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Terma is a classic Argentinian brand of bitter drinks made with herbs. You can drink it cold, mixed with water or soda.
$7.99 (£6.37)
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Terma is a classic Argentinian brand of bitter drinks made with herbs. You can drink it cold, mixed with water or soda.
$7.99 (£6.37)
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Terma is a classic Argentinian brand of bitter drinks made with herbs. You can drink it cold, mixed with water or soda.
$7.99 (£6.37)
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CBSé Yerba Mate. Bulk box of 12 units. Yerba Mate High Quality traditional flavors shipped straight to you. Great prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$1.65 (£1.31)
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CBSé Yerba Mate. Bulk box of 12 units. Yerba Mate High Quality traditional flavors shipped straight to you. Great prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$1.65 (£1.31)
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$0.29 (£0.23)
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Pipas Gigantes Sunflower seeds with shell. Salty Snack Delicious salted & toasted sunflower seeds. Classic Snack. Great prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$5.92 (£4.72)
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Havanna Alfajor Dark 70% Pure Cacao Chocolate Filled with Dulce de Leche. Display of 9 units. Bulk Box of 8 displays. Argentinian favorite High-quality traditional desserts and pastries. Great prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$14.21 (£11.32)
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Havanna Chocolate Coated Lemon Cookies with Lemon Cream Filling. Traditional Argentinian cookies. High quality ingredient At the best price! Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$13.29 (£10.59)
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Clight Sugar-Free Juice Powder. Bulk box of 8 units. Great Prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$5.80 (£4.62)
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Clight Sugar-Free Juice Powder. Great Prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$5.80 (£4.62)
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This powdered juice, because of its variety of flavors, is the top brand on the market. Low sugar, low-sodium and enriched with vitamins. One package yields one liter. Just add water or sparkling water and mix.
$5.59 (£4.45)
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This powdered juice, because of its variety of flavors, is the top brand on the market. Low sugar, low-sodium and enriched with vitamins. One package yields one liter. Just add water or sparkling water and mix.
$5.59 (£4.45)
En stock
This powdered juice, because of its variety of flavors, is the top brand on the market. Low sugar, low-sodium and enriched with vitamins. One package yields one liter. Just add water or sparkling water and mix.
$5.59 (£4.45)
En stock
This powdered juice, because of its variety of flavors, is the top brand on the market. Low sugar, low-sodium and enriched with vitamins. One package yields one liter. Just add water or sparkling water and mix.
$5.59 (£4.45)
En stock
This powdered juice, because of its variety of flavors, is the top brand on the market. Low sugar, low-sodium and enriched with vitamins. One package yields one liter. Just add water or sparkling water and mix.
$5.59 (£4.45)
En stock
This powdered juice, because of its variety of flavors, is the top brand on the market. Low sugar, low-sodium and enriched with vitamins. One package yields one liter. Just add water or sparkling water and mix.
$5.59 (£4.45)
En stock
Kraus Yerba Mate Organic & Unsmoked . Yerba Mate High Quality traditional flavors shipped straight to you. Great prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$5.59 (£4.45)
En stock
El Café molido Super Cabrales está pensado para ser preparado con filtro. Este café es el resultado de la mezcla entre diferentes tipos de granos de café arábigo, que previamente se tostaron y molieron en un grado preciso. De esta forma, se obtiene una bebida aromática, de excelente cuerpo y...
$20.19 (£16.09)
En stock
Un Bocadillo Dulce Palitos de galletas crujientes y frescos con doble capa de chocolate con leche. Perfecto para Compartir El paquete pequeño de este delicioso y dulce refrigerio es perfecto para una noche de cine o un día en el parque. Contiene 60 g / 2.11 oz cada uno. Garantía de Satisfacción Respaldamos nuestros productos y a nuestros clientes. Si no está satisfecho con su pedido, póngase en contacto con nosotros y le ofreceremos una solución.
$1.16 (£0.92)
En stock
Garrapiñada de Maní Delicious peanut-based snack. High quality ingredient No artificial preservatives, flavors, or dyes. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution. 1kg / 2.2lb.
[Contacte con nosotros para precio]
En stock
Granulated garlic Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America. Deep rich flavor A great addition to many foods & spice blends is ideal for cooking, blending, extracting essential oil and other industrial applications. No need to look elsewhere. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens &family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Packed fresh Fresh spices in bag to lock in freshness. We keep a close eye on the supply chain, from growing to delivery, to ensure that each product meets our high-quality standards and your requirements. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to use and we'll offer you a solution.
$15.95 (£12.71)
En stock
Vacalin Dulce de Leche Decorate cakes, muffins, and all types of baked goods! Perfect for making Traditional Chocotorta or enjoy just by itself! Gluten free Traditional Argentinian dessert High quality ingredient At the best price! Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$35.91 (£28.61)
En stock
Vacalin Mozzarella Cheese Slice it up, put it on pizza or enjoy fresh! Dairy Product. High Quality Ingredient At the best price! Gluten Free Product. Fresh Product The freshest products and the richest flavors. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$17.35 (£13.82)
En stock
Romance Yerba Mate Traditional Argentinian product. Yerba Mate High Quality traditional flavors shipped straight to you. Great prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$4.31 (£3.43)
En stock
Chocolate Tofi Alfajor Relleno de Dulce de Leche. Postres y Pasteles Tradicionales de alta calidad favoritos de los argentinos. Excelentes Precios Calidad premium a un excelente precio, ya que se abastece directamente de productores y productores en América del Sur. Contenedor a Granel Para chefs, cocinas comerciales y casas familiares. Bolsas de marca, bolsas a granel, pedidos del tamaño de una carga de camión. Garantía de Satisfacción Respaldamos nuestros productos y a nuestros clientes. Si no está satisfecho con su pedido, comuníquese con nosotros y le ofreceremos una solución.
$0.63 (£0.50)
En stock
Emeth Barra de Gelatina de Camote. Ingrediente de alta calidad al mejor precio! Contenedor a granel para chefs , cocinas comerciales y casas familiares. Bolsas de marca, bolsas a granel, pedidos de tamaño de carga de camión. Garantía de Satisfacción Respaldamos nuestros productos y a nuestros clientes. Si no está satisfecho con su pedido, comuníquese con nosotros y le ofreceremos una solución.
BrandEmeth Sin glutenYes
$13.40 (£10.68)
En stock
Mito Mate Gourd By Nelo. Self-Extracting Mate This method makes taking the used Yerba out easier for everyone. Ideal for Beginners If you’re learning how to drink mate, “Mito” by Nelo comes with an indicator of maximum fill. Great Design A Mate gourd with a beautiful and modern style. BPA Free. Includes "Bombilla". VARIOUS COLORS AVAILABLE.


White Lightblue Orange Pink Red Transparent Violet Yellow Green Blue (Más +1)
$5.58 (£4.45)
En stock
Mito Mate Gourd By Nelo. Self-Extracting Mate This method makes taking the used Yerba out easier for everyone. Ideal for Beginners If you’re learning how to drink mate, “Mito” by Nelo comes with an indicator of maximum fill. Great Design A Mate gourd with a beautiful and modern style. BPA Free. Includes "Bombilla". VARIOUS COLORS AVAILABLE.


Green Lightblue Orange Pink Red Transparent Violet Yellow Blue Black (Más +1)
$5.58 (£4.45)
En stock
Mito Mate Gourd By Nelo. Self-Extracting Mate This method makes taking the used Yerba out easier for everyone. Ideal for Beginners If you’re learning how to drink mate, “Mito” by Nelo comes with an indicator of maximum fill. Great Design A Mate gourd with a beautiful and modern style. BPA Free. Includes "Bombilla". VARIOUS COLORS AVAILABLE.


Black Lightblue Orange Pink Red Transparent Violet Yellow Green Blue (Más +1)
$5.58 (£4.45)
En stock
Mito Mate Gourd By Nelo. Self-Extracting Mate This method makes taking the used Yerba out easier for everyone. Ideal for Beginners If you’re learning how to drink mate, “Mito” by Nelo comes with an indicator of maximum fill. Great Design A Mate gourd with a beautiful and modern style. BPA Free. Includes "Bombilla". VARIOUS COLORS AVAILABLE.


Red Lightblue Orange Pink Transparent Violet Yellow Green Blue Black (Más +1)
$5.58 (£4.45)
En stock
Mito Mate Gourd By Nelo. Self-Extracting Mate This method makes taking the used Yerba out easier for everyone. Ideal for Beginners If you’re learning how to drink mate, “Mito” by Nelo comes with an indicator of maximum fill. Great Design A Mate gourd with a beautiful and modern style. BPA Free. Includes "Bombilla". VARIOUS COLORS AVAILABLE.


Lightblue Orange Pink Red Transparent Violet Yellow Green Blue Black (Más +1)
$5.58 (£4.45)
En stock
Mito Mate Gourd By Nelo. Self-Extracting Mate This method makes taking the used Yerba out easier for everyone. Ideal for Beginners If you’re learning how to drink mate, “Mito” by Nelo comes with an indicator of maximum fill. Great Design A Mate gourd with a beautiful and modern style. BPA Free. Includes "Bombilla". VARIOUS COLORS AVAILABLE.


Yellow Lightblue Orange Pink Red Transparent Violet Green Blue Black (Más +1)
$5.58 (£4.45)
En stock
Cachafaz Organic Wholegrain Cookies with Honey and Cacao. High quality ingredient At the best price! Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$2.66 (£2.12)
En stock
Swift Canned Paté Foie. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to use and we'll offer you a solution.
$1.99 (£1.59)
En stock
Uvasal Orange Flavor Effervescent powder Indicated for indigestion and acidity. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$9.98 (£7.95)
En stock
Estancia El Rosario Dulce de Leche. Traditional Argentinian dessert. High quality ingredient At the best price! Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$7.69 (£6.13)
En stock
Arytza Salsa Criolla. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$5.45 (£4.34)
En stock
Arytza Smoked Mayonnaise. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$5.99 (£4.77)
En stock
Successo Alfajor Milk Chocolate Filled with Dulce de Leche. Argentinian favorite High-quality traditional desserts and pastries. Great prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$17.81 (£14.19)
En stock
Successo Alfajor Milk Chocolate Filled with Dulce de Leche. Argentinian favorite High-quality traditional desserts and pastries. Great prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$17.81 (£14.19)
En stock
Successo Cornstarch Alfajor Filled with Dulce de Leche. Argentinian favorite High-quality traditional desserts and pastries. Great prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$9.49 (£7.56)
En stock
Successo Alfajor Milk Chocolate Coated Filled with Peanut Cream. Argentinian favorite High-quality traditional desserts and pastries. Great prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$17.81 (£14.19)
En stock
Successo Vanilla Cookies with Raspberry Filling. High quality ingredient At the best price! Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$6.99 (£5.57)
En stock
Successo Chocolate Coated Vanilla Cookies with Raspberry Filling. High quality ingredient At the best price! Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$7.03 (£5.60)
En stock
Successo Mixed Alfajores Chocolate & Sugar Coated Filled with Dulce de Leche. Argentinian favorite High-quality traditional desserts and pastries. Great prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$6.08 (£4.84)
En stock
Havanna Mini Alfajores Milk Chocolate Filled with Dulce de Leche. Argentinian favorite High-quality traditional desserts and pastries. Great prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$18.13 (£14.44)
En stock
Havanna Mini Alfajores Milk & White Chocolate Filled with Dulce de Leche. Argentinian favorite High-quality traditional desserts and pastries. Great prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$18.13 (£14.44)
En stock
Baggio Pronto Fruit Juice. Bulk box of 8 units. Great prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$2.58 (£2.06)
En stock
Baggio Pronto Fruit Juice. Bulk box of 8 units. Great prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$2.58 (£2.06)
En stock
Baggio Pronto Fruit Juice. Bulk box of 8 units. Great prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$2.58 (£2.06)
En stock
Mateo Silicone Mate Gourd By Silicosas. Self-Extracting Mate This method makes taking the used Yerba out easier for everyone. BPA Free. Includes metal straw. VARIOUS COLOR AVAILABLE.


White Lightblue Orange Pink Red Violet Yellow Blue Black
$14.99 (£11.94)
En stock
Mateo Silicone Mate Gourd By Silicosas. Self-Extracting Mate This method makes taking the used Yerba out easier for everyone. BPA Free. Includes metal straw. VARIOUS COLOR AVAILABLE.


Black Lightblue Orange Pink Red Violet Yellow Blue White
$14.99 (£11.94)
En stock
Jarra de Vino Con Forma De Pingüino Jarra de Vino Argentina Clásica. Decantador de Vino Decorativo Clásico de Tradición Argentina. Cerámica. Dos Colores Disponibles. Utensilios de Cocina Herramientas de alta calidad para hogares y restaurantes. Garantía de Satisfacción Respaldamos nuestros productos y a nuestros clientes. Si no está satisfecho con su pedido, comuníquese con nosotros y le ofreceremos una solución.


Brown White
Hecho enArgentina ColorBrown
$8.12 (£6.47)
En stock
Aluminum Wrapped Carob Wood Mate Gourd. No-Spill System. Great prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$6.57 (£5.23)
En stock
Stainless Steel Curved Straw for Mate. Traditional Mate Straw . Great prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$14.94 (£11.90)
En stock
Stainless Steel Flat Straw for Mate. Removable Hexagonal Filter Easy to clean. Traditional Mate Straw . Great prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$6.90 (£5.50)
En stock
Levex Dry Powder Yeast. Packed fresh Fresh spices in bag to lock in freshness. We keep a close eye on the supply chain, from growing to delivery, to ensure that each product meets our high-quality standards and your requirements. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to use and we'll offer you a solution.
$1.02 (£0.81)
En stock
Legui Fine Argentinian Liqueur Adult signature will be required. This product may be subject to local regulations and restrictions in your country, province or state. If in doubt, please contact your local representatives for further information. Beverage taxes may apply. This item is purchased in and ships from: Argentina. High quality ingredient At the best price! Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$5.57 (£4.44)
En stock
Misky Eucalyptus Gummies. Traditional Argentinian sweets. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$6.35 (£5.06)
En stock
Dos Anclas Fine BBQ Salt. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to use and we'll offer you a solution.
$2.28 (£1.82)
En stock
Classic Rainbow Swirl Lollipop. Display of 12 units. Traditional sweets. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$9.43 (£7.51)
En stock
Refresco Hard Candies. Traditional Argentinian sweets. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$3.75 (£2.99)
En stock
Tofi de Alfajor Recubierto de Azúcar Relleno de Dulce de Leche. Postres y Pasteles Tradicionales de alta calidad favoritos de los argentinos. Excelentes Precios Calidad premium a un excelente precio, ya que se abastece directamente de productores y productores en América del Sur. Contenedor a Granel Para chefs, cocinas comerciales y casas familiares. Bolsas de marca, bolsas a granel, pedidos del tamaño de una carga de camión. Garantía de Satisfacción Respaldamos nuestros productos y a nuestros clientes. Si no está satisfecho con su pedido, comuníquese con nosotros y le ofreceremos una solución.
$0.50 (£0.40)
En stock
$4.99 (£3.98)
En stock
Felfort Bananina Split Milk Chocolate Banana Shaped Bites filled with Banana Cream& Dulce de Leche. Display of 30 bites. Classic Argentinian dessert. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$11.72 (£9.34)
En stock
Felfort Bananina Milk Chocolate Banana Shaped Bites filled with Banana Cream. Display of 30 bites. Classic Argentinian dessert. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$11.72 (£9.34)
En stock
Bon o Bon White Chocolate Coated Wafers filled with Peanut Butter. Traditional Argentinian dessert. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$12.89 (£10.27)
En stock
Milka Big Oreo Bocado s Obleas Recubiertas de Chocolate con Leche y Relleno de Oreo. Postres y Pasteles Tradicionales de alta calidad favoritos de los argentinos. Excelentes Precios Calidad premium a un excelente precio, ya que se abastece directamente de productores y productores en América del Sur. Contenedor a Granel Para chefs, cocinas comerciales y casas familiares. Bolsas de marca, bolsas a granel, pedidos del tamaño de una carga de camión. Garantía de Satisfacción Respaldamos nuestros productos y a nuestros clientes. Si no está satisfecho con su pedido, comuníquese con nosotros y le ofreceremos una solución.
$2.53 (£2.02)
En stock
Sapito Bites Milk Chocolate Frog Shaped Bites with Dulce de Leche & Crispy Cereals Filling. Display of 24 bites. Includes Tattoo Stickers. Classic Argentinian Dessert. Great prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$7.68 (£6.12)
En stock
Chimbote Dulce de Leche. Gluten free. Traditional Argentinian dessert High quality ingredient At the best price! Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$10.53 (£8.39)
En stock
Los Nietitos Dulce de Leche. Dulce de Leche from Uruguay. High quality ingredient At the best price! Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$32.33 (£25.76)
En stock
Macril Medicinal Body Cream With Betamethasone, Gentamicin & Micronazole. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution
$17.99 (£14.33)
En stock
Verónica Dulce de Leche Decorate cakes, muffins, and all types of baked goods! Perfect for making Traditional Chocotorta or enjoy just by itself! Gluten free Traditional Argentinian dessert High quality ingredient At the best price! Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$2.55 (£2.03)
En stock
Rosamonte Yerba Mate Traditional Argentinian product. Yerba Mate High Quality traditional flavors shipped straight to you. Great prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$3.05 (£2.43)
En stock
Blancaflor 0000 Wheat Flour. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to use and we'll offer you a solution.
$1.14 (£0.91)
En espera
Los Nietitos Dulce de Leche . Gluten free. Traditional dessert from Uruguay. High quality ingredient At the best price! Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$5.44 (£4.33)
En stock
Taragüi Yerba Mate. Yerba Mate High Quality traditional flavors shipped straight to you. Great prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$6.33 (£5.04)
En stock
Flynn Paff Soft Yoghurt Fruit Candies Banana & Strawberry Flavor. Traditional Argentinian sweets. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$7.26 (£5.78)
En stock
Billiken Hard Fruit Candies with Soft Interior. Traditional Argentinian sweets. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$0.63 (£0.50)
En stock
Barrita de Chocolate Negro Águila Barrita de Chocolate Oscuro Semiamargo. Perfecto para chocolate caliente y submarinos. Postres y Pasteles Tradicionales de Alta Calidad favoritos de los argentinos. Excelentes Precios Calidad Premium a un excelente precio, ya que se abastece directamente de productores y productores en América del Sur. Contenedor a Granel Para chefs, cocinas comerciales y casas familiares. Bolsas de marca, bolsas a granel, pedidos del tamaño de una carga de camión. Garantía de Satisfacción Respaldamos nuestros productos y a nuestros clientes. Si no está satisfecho con su pedido, comuníquese con nosotros y le ofreceremos una solución.
$4.53 (£3.61)
En stock
Obleas Recubiertas de Chocolate con Leche Milka Choco Pause Oreo con Relleno de Oreo. Display 24 barras. Bulto 4 displays. Postres y Pasteles Tradicionales de alta calidad favoritos de los argentinos. Excelentes Precios Calidad premium a un excelente precio, ya que se abastece directamente de productores y productores en América del Sur. Contenedor a Granel Para chefs, cocinas comerciales y casas familiares. Bolsas de marca, bolsas a granel, pedidos del tamaño de una carga de camión. Garantía de Satisfacción Respaldamos nuestros productos y a nuestros clientes. Si no está satisfecho con su pedido, comuníquese con nosotros y le ofreceremos una solución.
BrandOreo UPC7622201492465
$1.20 (£0.96)
En stock
Maizena Cornstarch Premix for Vanilla Sponge Cake With Seeds. Gluten Free. Bulk box of 12 units. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$1.92 (£1.53)
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Guolis Alfajor White Chocolate Filled with Dulce de Leche. Display of 18 units. Bulk Box of 9 displays. Argentinian favorite Premium quality traditional desserts and pastries. Great prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$23.39 (£18.64)
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Trío Pepas Alemanas Perfectas para disfrutar con mate. ¡Caja Granel de 10 unidades! Ingrediente de alta calidad ¡Al mejor precio! Contenedor a granel Para chefs, cocinas comerciales y casas unifamiliares. Bolsas de marca, bolsas a granel, pedidos del tamaño de una carga de camión. Garantía de satisfacción Respaldamos nuestros productos y a nuestros clientes. Si no está satisfecho con su pedido, comuníquese con nosotros y le ofreceremos una solución.
$2.06 (£1.64)
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Doña Magdalena Dulce de Leche with Stevia Decorate cakes, muffins, and all types of baked goods! Perfect for making Traditional Chocotorta or enjoy just by itself! Gluten free. Traditional Argentinian dessert High quality ingredient At the best price! Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$5.69 (£4.53)
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Salus Yerba Mate Con Hojas De Stevia. Yerba Mate Sabores Tradicionales Alta Calidad. Excelentes Precios Calidad Premium a un Excelente Precio , Ya que está comprando directamente de productores y productores en América del Sur. Contenedor a Granel para Chefs , Cocinas comerciales y casas familiares. Bolsas de marca, bolsas a granel, pedidos de tamaño de carga de camión. Garantía de Satisfacción Respaldamos Nuestros Productos y a Nuestros Clientes . Si no está satisfecho con su pedido, comuníquese con nosotros y le ofreceremos una solución.
$3.15 (£2.51)
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Verónica Auténtico Queso Provolone para Asar Ideal para hacer provoleta en la BBQ. Excelentes Precios Calidad premium a un excelente precio, traída directamente de cultivadores y productores de Sudamérica. Producto de alta calidad Elaborado a partir de leche pasteurizada de vaca. Disfrútalo como refrigerio solo, o como ingrediente destacado en tu sándwich o ensalada favorito, o a la parrilla. Marida perfectamente con uvas y manzanas. Contenedor a granel Para chefs, cocinas comerciales y casas unifamiliares. Bolsas de marca, bolsas a granel, pedidos del tamaño de una carga de camión. Garantía de satisfacción Respaldamos nuestros productos y a nuestros clientes. Si no está satisfecho con su pedido, comuníquese con nosotros y le ofreceremos una solución.
$41.06 (£32.71)
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Billiken Fruit Gummies Assorted fruit flavor gummies. Classic Argentinian Candy. Great prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$4.72 (£3.76)
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Alpino White Chocolate Coins. Ideal for Bakers & Confectioners Meant to be melted and used for baking & confectioning Argentinian favorite High-quality traditional desserts and pastries. Great prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$19.99 (£15.93)
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Alpino Semi-Dark Chocolate. Ideal for Bakers & Confectioners Meant to be melted and used for baking & confectioning Argentinian favorite High-quality traditional desserts and pastries. Great prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$14.99 (£11.94)
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Rosemont Elaboraba Yerba Mate. Mate Cocido Práctico y tradicional proveedor de energía. Excelentes Precios Calidad premium a un excelente precio, ya que se abastece directamente de productores y productores en América del Sur. Contenedor a Granel Para chefs, cocinas comerciales y casas familiares. Bolsas de marca, bolsas a granel, pedidos del tamaño de una carga de camión. Garantía de Satisfacción Respaldamos nuestros productos y a nuestros clientes. Si no está satisfecho con su pedido, comuníquese con nosotros y le ofreceremos una solución.
$0.91 (£0.73)
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Dos Anclas Salt Washed, purified & dried Fine Salt. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to use and we'll offer you a solution.
$22.01 (£17.54)
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1854 Traditional Chimichurri Mixed Spices. Bulk Box of 12 Units. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$1.97 (£1.57)
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1854 Andean Chimichurri Mixed Spices. Bulk Box of 12 Units. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$1.97 (£1.57)
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La Cumbrecita Yerba Mate. Natural Herbs: Poleo, Incayuyo and Mint. Bulk box of 10 units. Yerba Mate High Quality traditional flavors shipped straight to you. Great prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$2.15 (£1.71)
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La Serenísima Provolone Cheese for Grilling Ideal to make provoleta on the BBQ. Bulk box of 12 units. Great Prices Premium quality at a great price, brought directly from growers and producers in South America. High quality product Made from pasteurized cow's milk. Enjoy it as a snack just on its own, or as a featured ingredient in your favorite sandwich or salad, or grilled. It pairs perfectly with grapes and apples. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to use and we'll offer you a solution.
$4.60 (£3.66)
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Verdeflor Yerba Mate. Yerba Mate High Quality traditional flavors shipped straight to you. Great prices Premium quality at a great price, since you are sourcing direct from growers and producers in South America. Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction Guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$1.75 (£1.39)
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The Intense line of jams comes from a traditional recipe that reflects the best of our history, where traditions, learning and beliefs converge. It ́s a natural jam with an intense flavor, which in its essence carries what identifies us. This recipe stands out for a high fruit content and less...
$5.99 (£4.77)
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The Traditional Dulce de Leche Recipe is a tribute to Uruguayan traditions. Made with love, patience and dedication, following the strictest quality processes, it reflects the history of our company and our unique way of doing things. With a characteristic flavor of a handmade and natural...
$5.79 (£4.61)
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The best milk caramel flavor, bundled in an individual bar and blended with other delicious ingredients, such as coconut or peanut. About Los Nietitos Since its inception in the 60s, when the company was founded, they have grown steadily to become an emblematic brand for Uruguayans.They...
$7.61 (£6.06)
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Marley Alfajores Bajoneros. Los Postres y Pasteles Tradicionales de alta calidad favoritos de Uruguay. Excelentes Precios Calidad premium a un precio excelente, ya que se obtiene directamente de productores y productores de América del Sur. Contenedor a Granel Para chefs, cocinas comerciales y hogares familiares. Bolsas de marca, bolsas a granel, pedidos del tamaño de una carga de camión. Garantía de Satisfacción Respaldamos nuestros productos y a nuestros clientes. Si no está satisfecho con su pedido, póngase en contacto con nosotros y le ofreceremos una solución.
$18.56 (£14.79)
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Alfajor de Chocolate Negro Relleno de mousse de chocolate cremoso.0Portezuelo Alfajores clásicos Portezuelo de Uruguay. Excelentes Precios Calidad premium a un excelente precio, ya que se abastece directamente de productores y productores en América del Sur. Garantía de Satisfacción Respaldamos nuestros productos y a nuestros clientes. Si no está satisfecho con su pedido, comuníquese con nosotros y le ofreceremos una solución. 60 g / 2.12 oz cada alfajor.
$1.00 (£0.80)
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Pack de cinco alfajorcitos que parecen un bombón. Excelente compañía para la merienda de los más chicos. Galleta rellena del más rico dulce de leche bañado con un exquisito chocolate.
$5.87 (£4.68)
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La combinación perfecta de coco y el más rico dulce de leche, con una exquisita galleta bañada en un delicioso chocolate.
$0.98 (£0.78)
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