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Mermeladas y jaleas

Arcor Sweet Potato Jelly Bar. High quality ingredient At the best price! Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$1.51 (1.40)
En stock
Arcor Quince Jelly Bar. High quality ingredient At the best price! Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$1.58 (1.46)
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Arcor Barrita de Dulce de Batata con Chocolate. Ingrediente de Alta Calidad Al mejor precio! Contenedor a Granel Para chefs, cocinas comerciales y casas familiares. Bolsas de marca, bolsas a granel, pedidos de tamaño de carga de camión. Garantía de Satisfacción Respaldamos nuestros productos y a nuestros clientes. Si no está satisfecho con su pedido, comuníquese con nosotros y le ofreceremos una solución.
$1.49 (1.38)
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The Traditional Dulce de Membrillo Recipe is a tribute to Uruguayan traditions. Made with love, patience and dedication, following the strictest quality processes, it reflects the history of our company and our unique way of doing things. With a characteristic flavor of a handmade and natural...
$1.84 (1.70)
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Esnaola Sweet Potato Jelly Bar. Bulk box of 12 units. High quality ingredient At the best price! Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$2.31 (2.14)
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Esnaola Quince Jelly Bar. High quality ingredient At the best price! Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$3.55 (3.29)
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Esnaola Quince Jelly Bar. High quality ingredient At the best price! Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$25.90 (23.97)
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Esnaola Sweet Potato Jelly Bar. High quality ingredient At the best price! Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$17.04 (15.77)
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No added preservatives. Gluten Free. IMPORTED Dulce de Batata Los Nietitos Sweet Potato Jelly Fresh from La Paz, Colonia, Uruguay. The Traditional Dulce de Batata Recipe is a tribute to Uruguayan traditions. Made with love, patience and dedication, following the strictest quality...
$1.80 (1.67)
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Emeth Quince Jelly Bar. High quality ingredient At the best price! Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$19.03 (17.61)
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Masseube Memerlada  Rosa Mosqueta. Una Gran Experiencia  Con la mejor consistencia y el sabor más natural. Untable  Para acompañar tus tostadas de desayuno o merienda. Excelentes Precios  Calidad premium a un excelente precio, ya que se abastece directamente de productores y productores en América del Sur. Garantía de Satisfacción  Respaldamos nuestros productos y a nuestros clientes. Si no está satisfecho con su pedido, comuníquese con nosotros y le ofreceremos una solución.
$3.79 (3.51)
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Auténtico Sabor a Vainilla: El Royal Vanilla Ready to Make Flan ofrece un rico y auténtico sabor a vainilla que realza el sabor general del postre. El extracto de vainilla de alta calidad utilizado en la mezcla proporciona un delicioso aroma y sabor que seguramente complacerá sus papilas gustativas. Textura Suave y Cremosa: Esta mezcla de flan crea una textura suave y cremosa que es característica del flan tradicional. La combinación de los ingredientes asegura una consistencia aterciopelada que se derrite en la boca, ofreciendo una experiencia de postre verdaderamente indulgente. Preparación Fácil: Hacer flan con la mezcla Royal Vanilla Ready to Make Flan es rápido y sin complicaciones. El paquete viene con instrucciones claras que lo guían a través del proceso de preparación simple, lo que le permite disfrutar de un postre casero sin la necesidad de extensas habilidades para cocinar u hornear. Uso Versátil: Esta mezcla de flan ofrece versatilidad en su uso. Puedes servir el flan tal cual, o ser creativo agregando tus propios ingredientes como salsa de caramelo, frutas frescas o crema batida. Se puede disfrutar solo o como base para otras creaciones de postres. Resultados Consistentes: Con la mezcla de Flan Listo para Hacer Royal Vanilla, puede lograr resultados consistentes y deliciosos cada vez que lo prepare. La fórmula cuidadosamente equilibrada asegura que el flan resulte perfecto, lo que le permite disfrutar de una experiencia de postre consistente y satisfactoria.
$0.50 (0.46)
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Esnaola Sweet Potato Chocolate and Vanilla Jelly Bar. High quality ingredient At the best price! Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$2.41 (2.23)
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No added preservatives. Gluten Free. IMPORTED Dulce de Batata with Dulce de Leche Sweet Potato with Dulce de Leche Jam Fresh from La Paz, Colonia, Uruguay. The Traditional Dulce de Batata with Dulce de Leche Recipe is a tribute to Uruguayan traditions. Made with love, patience and...
$1.93 (1.79)
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Masseube Mermelada  Frutos del Bosque. Una Gran Experiencia  Con la mejor consistencia y el sabor más natural. Untable  Para acompañar tus tostadas de desayuno o merienda. Excelentes Precios  Calidad premium a un excelente precio, ya que se abastece directamente de productores y productores en América del Sur. Garantía de Satisfacción  Respaldamos nuestros productos y a nuestros clientes. Si no está satisfecho con su pedido, comuníquese con nosotros y le ofreceremos una solución.
$4.98 (4.61)
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Exquisita Mermelada de Plátano: Mariola Ticholo Dulcelin Mermelada de Plátano Confitura de Plátano presenta una mermelada de plátano artesanal de primera calidad que captura la esencia del plátano maduro en cada tarro, ofreciendo una experiencia de sabor exquisita y auténtica. Comodidad para pedidos al por mayor: Diseñada para clientes mayoristas, esta mermelada de plátano está disponible en grandes cantidades, garantizando un suministro constante para cafeterías, tiendas gourmet y negocios de hostelería. Los pedidos a granel agilizan la gestión del inventario y reducen la necesidad de repetir pedidos con frecuencia. Aplicación culinaria versátil: La naturaleza versátil de esta mermelada la convierte en un complemento excepcional para una amplia gama de creaciones culinarias. Desde desayunos gourmet hasta innovadores postres y menús, satisface las preferencias de los clientes, mejorando la oferta de varios establecimientos. Garantía de calidad superior: Mariola Ticholo se enorgullece de abastecerse sólo de los mejores ingredientes naturales para sus mermeladas. La Confitura de Plátano se elabora sin aditivos artificiales, garantizando un producto de alta calidad que se ajusta a los exigentes estándares de los compradores mayoristas. Distintivo y memorable: Eleve su selección de productos con la Confitura de Plátano de Mariola Ticholo, que ofrece un sabor distintivo y memorable. Su carácter artesanal, junto con el envase de primera calidad, añade un elemento de sofisticación a las estanterías de los comercios y a las creaciones culinarias, lo que la convierte en una opción deseable para los compradores mayoristas que buscan destacar.
$10.20 (9.44)
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Bonanza de sol a granel: ¡sáltese el revuelto de membrillos! Las cantidades generosas garantizan un suministro constante de sol argentino para sus estantes, manteniendo a los clientes contentos y los cuencos de aperitivos llenos. El clásico placer rentable: Los precios al por mayor te permiten ahorrar mientras ofreces un membrillo de primera calidad. Clientes contentos, cuenta de resultados feliz - la dulce melodía de La Campagnola canta ambas melodías. Frescura sellada para una sabrosa fiesta: Empaquetadas de forma segura para atrapar el brillo dorado y el fragante aroma del membrillo, estas barras ofrecen un deleite constante, lote tras lote. Valor versátil más allá del queso: El membrillo de La Campagnola añade un toque de magia argentina a innumerables ofertas. Amplíe su menú y deleite a sus clientes con infinitas posibilidades para picar. La comodidad conquista las cocinas: Olvídese de los tarros desordenados y los derrames pegajosos. Estas barritas precortadas están listas para tomar y llevar, manteniendo contentas a las cocinas y a los clientes volviendo a por más sol en cada bocado.
$2.35 (2.17)
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Atractivo gourmet y presentación exclusiva: La gelatina de membrillo La Campagnola cuenta con un sabor único y sofisticado, perfecto para clientes exigentes y para agregar un toque de elegancia a tablas de quesos o platos de embutidos. El práctico formato de lata permite un fácil almacenamiento y exhibición en entornos minoristas exclusivos, maximizando los márgenes de beneficio. Ingredientes totalmente naturales y atractivo de etiqueta limpia: Elaborada con fruta de membrillo real y sin saborizantes ni conservantes artificiales, esta jalea de membrillo satisface la creciente preferencia de los consumidores por productos naturales y saludables. Este posicionamiento de etiqueta limpia atrae a clientes preocupados por su salud y fortalece la reputación de la marca. Aplicaciones culinarias versátiles: La jalea de membrillo La Campagnola se puede disfrutar sola, acompañada con queso y galletas saladas, o incorporada a recetas de glaseados, salsas y postres. Esta versatilidad permite a los minoristas dirigirse a un público más amplio y potencialmente aumentar el volumen de ventas. Potencial de compra impulsiva y atractivo para regalar: el atractivo formato de la lata y el perfil de sabor único crean una oportunidad de compra impulsiva en las cajas. Además, esta gelatina quince es un regalo gourmet perfecto, especialmente durante la temporada navideña, lo que aumenta aún más el potencial de ventas. Opción rentable y estable en almacenamiento: el formato enlatado garantiza una larga vida útil, minimizando el deterioro y el desperdicio. Esto permite una gestión eficiente del inventario y reduce el riesgo para mayoristas y minoristas, contribuyendo a la rentabilidad general.
$5.01 (4.64)
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Sabor único y de moda: La gelatina de batata La Campagnola ofrece un perfil de sabor único y moderno, aprovechando el creciente interés de los consumidores por explorar ingredientes nuevos y emocionantes. Esta versión de camote en una gelatina clásica se diferencia de las opciones tradicionales y atrae a clientes curiosos, lo que potencialmente aumenta las ventas. Aplicación versátil y creatividad culinaria: Esta gelatina de batata es un ingrediente versátil, se disfruta sola, se combina con queso y galletas saladas o se incorpora a recetas de glaseados, salsas e incluso cócteles creativos. Esto amplía su atractivo para diferentes segmentos de clientes y preferencias culinarias, lo que potencialmente aumenta el volumen de ventas. Ingredientes totalmente naturales y atractivo de etiqueta limpia: elaborada con batatas reales y sin saborizantes ni conservantes artificiales, esta gelatina se alinea con la creciente preferencia de los consumidores por productos naturales y saludables. Este posicionamiento de etiqueta limpia atrae a clientes preocupados por su salud y fortalece la reputación de la marca. Atractivo para regalar y presentación llamativa: el atractivo formato de la lata y su sabor único crean un producto visualmente atractivo, ideal para cestas de regalo o secciones de comida gourmet. Esta gelatina de batata es un artículo de regalo único y delicioso, especialmente durante la temporada navideña, lo que aumenta el potencial de ventas. Opción rentable y estable en almacenamiento: el formato enlatado garantiza una larga vida útil, minimizando el deterioro y el desperdicio. Esto permite una gestión eficiente del inventario y reduce el riesgo para mayoristas y minoristas, contribuyendo a la rentabilidad general.
$3.87 (3.58)
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Emeth Barra de Gelatina de Camote. Ingrediente de alta calidad al mejor precio! Contenedor a granel para chefs , cocinas comerciales y casas familiares. Bolsas de marca, bolsas a granel, pedidos de tamaño de carga de camión. Garantía de Satisfacción Respaldamos nuestros productos y a nuestros clientes. Si no está satisfecho con su pedido, comuníquese con nosotros y le ofreceremos una solución.
BrandEmeth Sin glutenYes
$13.40 (12.40)
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The Intense line of jams comes from a traditional recipe that reflects the best of our history, where traditions, learning and beliefs converge. It ́s a natural jam with an intense flavor, which in its essence carries what identifies us. This recipe stands out for a high fruit content and less...
$5.99 (5.54)
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Jams made with selected fruits, for the whole family and daily consumption. About Los Nietitos Since its inception in the 60s, when the company was founded, they have grown steadily to become an emblematic brand for Uruguayans. They began specializing in the production of jams and today they...
BrandLos Nietitos Sin glutenYes
$2.95 (2.73)
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Jams made with selected fruits, for the whole family and daily consumption. About Los Nietitos Since its inception in the 60s, when the company was founded, they have grown steadily to become an emblematic brand for Uruguayans. They began specializing in the production of jams and today they...
BrandLos Nietitos Sin glutenYes
$2.99 (2.77)
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Jams made with selected fruits, for the whole family and daily consumption. About Los Nietitos Since its inception in the 60s, when the company was founded, they have grown steadily to become an emblematic brand for Uruguayans. They began specializing in the production of jams and today they...
BrandLos Nietitos Sin glutenYes
$2.95 (2.73)
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Jams made with selected fruits, for the whole family and daily consumption. About Los Nietitos Since its inception in the 60s, when the company was founded, they have grown steadily to become an emblematic brand for Uruguayans. They began specializing in the production of jams and today they...
BrandLos Nietitos Sin glutenYes
$2.95 (2.73)
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New Recipe Light Healthier and with much more fruit! 40% Reduced in Calories. No artificial sweetener. No preservative. Gluten free. 350g / 12.34 oz. Imported Fresh Light Strawberry & Berries Marmalade Los Nietitos fresh from La Paz, Colonia, Uruguay. Our Light line has 40%...
$5.84 (5.40)
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Esnaola Sweet Potato Jelly:  The richest sweet to make homemade cupcakes, sweet potato pastafrola. Flavor:  Vanilla and chocolate. Can Contains:  700 g / 1.54 lb. Ingredients:  Sweet potatoes, vanilla,chocolate glucose syrup, sugar, gelling agents, thickeners, preservatives and acidity regulator. Region:  Arroyito, Córdoba, Argentina.
$5.70 (5.28)
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Mermelada Emeth  Gourmet sabor Maracuyá. Una Gran Experiencia  Con la mejor consistencia y el sabor más natural. Untable  Para acompañar tus desayunos y meriendas.
$2.49 (2.30)
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Mermelada Emeth  Gourmet sabor Membrillo. Una Gran Experiencia  Con la mejor consistencia y el sabor más natural. Untable  Para acompañar tus desayunos y meriendas.
$2.56 (2.37)
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Masseube Mermelada Dulce de Saúco. Una Gran Experiencia Con la mejor consistencia y el sabor más natural. Untable Para acompañar tus tostadas de desayuno o merienda. Excelentes Precios Calidad premium a un excelente precio, ya que se abastece directamente de productores y productores en América del Sur. Garantía de Satisfacción Respaldamos nuestros productos y a nuestros clientes. Si no está satisfecho con su pedido, comuníquese con nosotros y le ofreceremos una solución.
$8.06 (7.46)
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Envasado a granel: Disponible en cómodos envases a granel, la barra de gelatina de boniato Emeth satisface las necesidades de los mayoristas, garantizando un fácil almacenamiento y distribución para las empresas. Cantidades personalizables: Emeth ofrece flexibilidad en las cantidades de pedido, lo que permite a los compradores al por mayor adaptar su compra a su demanda específica, ya sea para eventos a gran escala o para un suministro continuo. Calidad constante: Emeth mantiene un estricto proceso de control de calidad, garantizando que cada Barra de Gelatina de Batata cumpla con los mismos altos estándares de sabor, textura y apariencia, proporcionando un producto confiable y consistente para los socios mayoristas. Precios competitivos: Diseñada para el mercado mayorista, la Barrita de Gelatina de Boniato ofrece un precio competitivo que equilibra una calidad excepcional con una buena relación calidad-precio, lo que la convierte en una opción atractiva para las empresas que buscan postres de primera calidad. Aplicación versátil: La disponibilidad al por mayor de la Barrita de Gelatina de Boniato amplía sus posibilidades de uso a una gran variedad de entornos, incluyendo catering, eventos, menús de postres y estantes de venta al por menor, garantizando un producto versátil que encaja en diversos modelos de negocio.
$2.37 (2.19)
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Barra de membrillo Emeth. Ingrediente de alta calidad ¡Al mejor precio! Envase a granel Para chefs, cocinas comerciales y casas familiares. Bolsas de marca, bolsas a granel, pedidos del tamaño de un camión. Garantía de satisfacción Respaldamos nuestros productos y a nuestros clientes. Si no está satisfecho con su pedido, póngase en contacto con nosotros y le ofreceremos una solución.
$1.70 (1.57)
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Esnaola Sweet Potato Jelly Bar. High quality ingredient At the best price! Bulk container For chefs, commercial kitchens & family houses. Branded bags, bulk bags, truck-load sized orders. Satisfaction guarantee We stand by our products and our customers. If you are unsatisfied with your order, reach out to us and we'll offer you a solution.
$17.48 (16.18)
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The Traditional Dulce de Durazno Recipe is a tribute to Uruguayan traditions. Made with love, patience and dedication, following the strictest quality processes, it reflects the history of our company and our unique way of doing things. With a characteristic flavor of a handmade and natural...
$3.65 (3.38)
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No added preservatives Gluten Free IMPORTED Dulce de Zapallo Los Nietitos Squash Jam Fresh from La Paz, Colonia, Uruguay
$5.54 (5.13)
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The Traditional Dulce de Manzana Recipe is a tribute to Uruguayan traditions. Made with love, patience and dedication, following the strictest quality processes, it reflects the history of our company and our unique way of doing things. With a characteristic flavor of a handmade and natural...
$5.54 (5.13)
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The Intense line of jams comes from a traditional recipe that reflects the best of our history, where traditions, learning and beliefs converge. It ́s a natural jam with an intense flavor, which in its essence carries what identifies us. This recipe stands out for a high fruit content and less...
$5.99 (5.54)
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The Intense line of jams comes from a traditional recipe that reflects the best of our history, where traditions, learning and beliefs converge. It ́s a natural jam with an intense flavor, which in its essence carries what identifies us. This recipe stands out for a high fruit content and less...
$5.99 (5.54)
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The Intense line of jams comes from a traditional recipe that reflects the best of our history, where traditions, learning and beliefs converge. It ́s a natural jam with an intense flavor, which in its essence carries what identifies us. This recipe stands out for a high fruit content and less...
$5.99 (5.54)
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The Intense line of jams comes from a traditional recipe that reflects the best of our history, where traditions, learning and beliefs converge. It ́s a natural jam with an intense flavor, which in its essence carries what identifies us. This recipe stands out for a high fruit content and less...
$5.99 (5.54)
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The Intense line of jams comes from a traditional recipe that reflects the best of our history, where traditions, learning and beliefs converge. It ́s a natural jam with an intense flavor, which in its essence carries what identifies us. This recipe stands out for a high fruit content and less...
$5.99 (5.54)
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The Intense line of jams comes from a traditional recipe that reflects the best of our history, where traditions, learning and beliefs converge. It ́s a natural jam with an intense flavor, which in its essence carries what identifies us. This recipe stands out for a high fruit content and less...
$5.99 (5.54)
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The Intense line of jams comes from a traditional recipe that reflects the best of our history, where traditions, learning and beliefs converge. It ́s a natural jam with an intense flavor, which in its essence carries what identifies us. This recipe stands out for a high fruit content and less...
$5.99 (5.54)
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Our Light line has 40% less calories than traditional jams since they are reduced in sugars complying with the regulations established by the M. S. P. These are dietary foods, modified in their nutritional composition to be consumed by people with very strict regimes because they present some...
$5.99 (5.54)
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The first Dietary Line of sweets and jams really 0% Added Sugars on the market, especially designed for all those who must or wish to exclude sugars from their diet. We are now providing our consumers with a new prescription that will also provide them with unique benefits that contribute to...
$4.10 (3.79)
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The first Dietary Line of sweets and jams really 0% Added Sugars on the market, especially designed for all those who must or wish to exclude sugars from their diet. We are now providing our consumers with a new prescription that will also provide them with unique benefits that contribute to...
$3.78 (3.50)
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The first Dietary Line of sweets and jams really 0% Added Sugars on the market, especially designed for all those who must or wish to exclude sugars from their diet. We are now providing our consumers with a new prescription that will also provide them with unique benefits that contribute to...
$4.42 (4.09)
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The first Dietary Line of sweets and jams really 0% Added Sugars on the market, especially designed for all those who must or wish to exclude sugars from their diet. We are now providing our consumers with a new prescription that will also provide them with unique benefits that contribute to...
$3.68 (3.41)
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The first Dietary Line of sweets and jams really 0% Added Sugars on the market, especially designed for all those who must or wish to exclude sugars from their diet. We are now providing our consumers with a new prescription that will also provide them with unique benefits that contribute to...
$6.03 (5.58)
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The first Dietary Line of sweets and jams really 0% Added Sugars on the market, especially designed for all those who must or wish to exclude sugars from their diet. We are now providing our consumers with a new prescription that will also provide them with unique benefits that contribute to...
$3.68 (3.41)
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The first Dietary Line of sweets and jams really 0% Added Sugars on the market, especially designed for all those who must or wish to exclude sugars from their diet. We are now providing our consumers with a new prescription that will also provide them with unique benefits that contribute to...
$4.85 (4.49)
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The first Dietary Line of sweets and jams really 0% Added Sugars on the market, especially designed for all those who must or wish to exclude sugars from their diet. We are now providing our consumers with a new prescription that will also provide them with unique benefits that contribute to...
$6.03 (5.58)
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Bajo en calorías: Los Nietitos Dulce de Batata Dietético es una opción baja en calorías en comparación con el dulce de batata regular, por lo que es una excelente opción para aquellos que buscan controlar su peso o reducir su consumo de calorías. Sin azúcar Agregada: A diferencia del dulce de batata regular, esta versión dietética no contiene azúcar agregada, por lo que es una alternativa más saludable para las personas que controlan su consumo de azúcar o tienen diabetes. Alto Contenido de Fibra: Los Nietitos Dulce de Batata Dietético es rico en fibra, lo que puede ayudar a promover la sensación de saciedad y ayudar en la digestión. Baja en Grasas: Esta opción dietética también es baja en grasas, por lo que es una buena opción para las personas que vigilan su ingesta de grasas o intentan mantener una dieta saludable. Delicioso Sabor: A pesar de ser una opción más saludable, Los Nietitos Dulce de Batata Dietético aún tiene un delicioso sabor que seguramente satisfará a los golosos.
$1.94 (1.80)
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The first Dietary Line of sweets and jams really 0% Added Sugars on the market, especially designed for all those who must or wish to exclude sugars from their diet. We are now providing our consumers with a new prescription that will also provide them with unique benefits that contribute to...
$5.80 (5.37)
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Jams made with selected fruits, for the whole family and daily consumption. About Los Nietitos Since its inception in the 60s, when the company was founded, they have grown steadily to become an emblematic brand for Uruguayans. They began specializing in the production of jams and today they...
BrandLos Nietitos Sin glutenYes
$5.95 (5.51)
En stock
Jams made with selected fruits, for the whole family and daily consumption. About Los Nietitos Since its inception in the 60s, when the company was founded, they have grown steadily to become an emblematic brand for Uruguayans. They began specializing in the production of jams and today they...
BrandLos Nietitos Sin glutenYes
$5.95 (5.51)
En stock
Jams made with selected fruits, for the whole family and daily consumption. About Los Nietitos Since its inception in the 60s, when the company was founded, they have grown steadily to become an emblematic brand for Uruguayans. They began specializing in the production of jams and today they...
BrandLos Nietitos Sin glutenYes
$5.95 (5.51)
En stock
Jams made with selected fruits, for the whole family and daily consumption. About Los Nietitos Since its inception in the 60s, when the company was founded, they have grown steadily to become an emblematic brand for Uruguayans. They began specializing in the production of jams and today they...
BrandLos Nietitos Sin glutenYes
$2.95 (2.73)
En stock
Jams made with selected fruits, for the whole family and daily consumption. About Los Nietitos Since its inception in the 60s, when the company was founded, they have grown steadily to become an emblematic brand for Uruguayans. They began specializing in the production of jams and today they...
BrandLos Nietitos Sin glutenYes
$5.95 (5.51)
En stock
Jams made with selected fruits, for the whole family and daily consumption. About Los Nietitos Since its inception in the 60s, when the company was founded, they have grown steadily to become an emblematic brand for Uruguayans. They began specializing in the production of jams and today they...
BrandLos Nietitos Sin glutenYes
$5.95 (5.51)
En stock
Jams made with selected fruits, for the whole family and daily consumption. About Los Nietitos Since its inception in the 60s, when the company was founded, they have grown steadily to become an emblematic brand for Uruguayans. They began specializing in the production of jams and today they...
BrandLos Nietitos Sin glutenYes
$5.95 (5.51)
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Jams made with selected fruits, for the whole family and daily consumption. About Los Nietitos Since its inception in the 60s, when the company was founded, they have grown steadily to become an emblematic brand for Uruguayans. They began specializing in the production of jams and today they...
BrandLos Nietitos Sin glutenYes
$5.95 (5.51)
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Jams made with selected fruits, for the whole family and daily consumption. About Los Nietitos Since its inception in the 60s, when the company was founded, they have grown steadily to become an emblematic brand for Uruguayans. They began specializing in the production of jams and today they...
BrandLos Nietitos Sin glutenYes
$5.95 (5.51)
En stock
Jams made with selected fruits, for the whole family and daily consumption. About Los Nietitos Since its inception in the 60s, when the company was founded, they have grown steadily to become an emblematic brand for Uruguayans. They began specializing in the production of jams and today they...
BrandLos Nietitos Sin glutenYes
$2.95 (2.73)
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