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Legend has it that a Guarani chieftain had to flee his lands and abandon his tribe, after suffering an attack by gangs from Brazil, who usurped aboriginal tribes in search of slaves.
They say that, during the exile, he managed to escape by crossing a stream and that he left in its vicinity the indelible imprint of his feet and hands until he reached the meeting of Jesuit fathers who offered him asylum, care and baptized him with the name of Saint by such a miracle.
In Guarani “PI" means foot and ”PO" hands, ”RE" footprints. This is how Piporé was then formed, which means: Footprints and Handprints of the Cacique Santos. With these elements and the apocryphal irregular Saint (of Saints) was formed “Santo Pipó” that the popular imagination led to the category of Miraculous Saint.

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