Pure Whey Milk Classic Natural Suero de Leche Puro, 25 kg / 55.1 lb Bulk

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Source raw natural products from the main dairy production areas in the world.

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Whey is the remaining after milk has been curdled and strained. Considered for a long time as a waste difficult to treat due to the large quantities produced in the cheese industry, it is now considered as one of the most used raw materials in the food field because of all the essential properties for our immune system that it includes.

Direct uses and industrial applications

Whey is used to produce whey cheeses such as ricotta, and whey butter and other products for human consumption (these products can also be homemade if desired).

Whey is also an additive in many processed foods such as breads, crackers, and commercial pastry and in animal feed.

Lately whey has been used for the commonly known "whey protein", a very popular nutritional supplement. This product is used primarily by athletes and bodybuilders to obtain the necessary amounts of protein on a daily basis, as it is considered as an ideal and natural help for muscle growth and repair.

Market overview and production

Argentine dairy companies allocate about 90% of the milk they process to cheese production. The main by-product of the cheese industry is whey, which is estimated at about 450,000 tons per year.

Argentina exports almost 10% of the whey it produces. Approximately 33% of the whey is destined to obtain lactose and protein derivatives and about 5% is transformed into whey powder.

Frequently asked questions

What is whey? Whey is the liquid remaining after milk has been curdled and strained. It is a byproduct of the manufacture of cheese or casein.

Is whey gluten free? Given that whey is isolated from milk, it's naturally gluten-free.

Which is the difference between whey and buttermilk? Whey is the liquid remaining after milk has been curdled and strained, while buttermilk is the liquid left over after producing butter from full cream milk by the churning process, also called traditional buttermilk.

What is whey protein good for? For athletes and bodybuilders it is considered as an ideal and natural help for muscle growth and repair.

How to use whey? Pure whey can be used to produce ricotta and butter, as well yogurt or cakes.

Does whey expire? As it is not a long life product, it is recommended to use it as soon as purchased, either for personal or industrial use. Whey powder has a shelf life from 9 to 18 months.

Where can I purchase whey in bulk? You can purchase at Directoro direct from producers.

Related products and ideas

Make a whey and hazelnuts cake. You need: 400 g of flour, 16 g of baking yeast, a pinch of salt, 250 g of sugar, 1 tbsp vanilla extract, 4 eggs, 500 g of whey, 1 tbsp of olive oil, 150 g of hazelnuts.

Pre-heat the oven. Mix wet and dry ingredients separately and then stir all together. Finally, chop the hazelnuts and place them in the mixture. Bake it for approximately 35 minutes until it is perfectly cooked. Transfer to a wire cooling rack and leave to cool for at least 20 mins before serving.

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