Saborigal Grounded Yellow Cayenne for Seasoning, 1 kg / 2.2 lb

$8.31 FOB price
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Saborigal SA
Es una empresa argentina que se dedica desde 1989 a la producción de ingredientes func...
02320 42-6679
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  • Saborigal Yellow Grounded Cayenne for Seasoning.
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What is the cayenne?

Cayenne, or chili powder, is the result of grinding the fruits of the previously dried chili. Cayenne produces an itch that is the product of alkaloids, capsaicin that stimulates the color and pain receptors of the epidermis. Regarding the brain secretes endorphins that causes a feeling of well-being and satisfaction. Capsaicin stimulates the secretion of saliva, which facilitates digestion.

Use of cayenne in the kitchen

The use of cayenne in cooking is very varied, as we saw in our article on types of herbs and spices for cooking. It is often used in the preparation of seafood, crab, oysters, salmon, legumes, and prawns. It is also added to eggs for souffes or omelets and often in stews and thick soups. In the meat dishes the cayenne is sprinkled over the prepared dish. It goes well with cheese and sauces, roasted, smoked and grilled foods.

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