It is a cheese of semi-hard consistency, fibrous texture, elastic and closed; yellowish white color, lactic taste and smell and without rind.
Mozzarella cheese is a cheese of medium, high or very high moisture and extra fat, fat to semi-fat, which is obtained by spinning an acidified mass (product intermediate obtained by coagulation of milk by rennet medium and / or other appropriate coagulant enzymes), supplemented by the action of specific lactic bacteria.
Pasteurized standardized milk, specific lactic ferment, sodium chloride, rennet, calcium chloride.
The standardized milk is pasteurized at 72 oC and sent to the processing vat where the rest of the ingredients are incorporated. The resulting curd is poured into molds, going through an in-line process. Once they reach the desired pH, they are placed in a brine and then they are stored in chamber for maturation. Subsequently, the dough is spun, molded and packaged in plastic casings to be marketed as cylinders or fetching. The sliced product is packaged in controlled atmosphere in plastic containers. The finished product is kept in refrigerated chambers until shipment.
Organoleptic characteristics
- Color: yellowish white, uniform.
- Taste and smell: lactic characteristic, underdeveloped.
- Appearance: fibrous, elastic and closed texture.