Could Bitcoin Become a Payment Method for B2B Transactions?


Studies show if Bitcoin would work in the B2B world.

Bitcoin is a cryptocurrency created in 2008. From that date its price has increased drastically around the world. But, is it posible to use it for any kind of trasaction? Some companies accept Bitcoins or other cryptocurrency as an online paying method, but, what about marketplaces.

To date, the vast majority of B2B companies have resisted the use of crypto currency as a form of payment for their products or services. In fact, most recent studies show that only 2% of B2B companies currently accept crypto currency. As for the future, a 2021 survey by “Invoiced” reviled that less than one-third of B2B companies show any interest in accepting crypto currency payments. 

Bitcoin: Los criptoinversores sueñan con convertirse en multimillonarios  Por

If such a low amount of marketplaces see Bitcoin or other cryptocurrencys as a trustful paying method, maybe they have no future in B2B. Well, experts think there's a way. A recent survey indicated that cryptocurrencies must offer convenience, provide value appreciation potential, and serve to lower transaction fees to be fully considered as an accepted form of B2B payment.

Acceptance of Crypto Currency

According to the followig graphic, Bitcoin apperas to be the most trusted cryptocurrency in the market, thats why it is the most expensive one. But still it's not that commonly used for all marketplaces as a transaction payment.