- Origin: Ecuador.
- Variety: Extra sweet.
- Caliber: 12 - 14 - 16.
- Packaging: Cardboard boxes.
- Pallet: 54 boxes.
- Box: 23 kg net.
- Recommended temperature: 7 ºC.
Pineapple is a plant native to South America of the evergreen bromeliad family and that stands out for the showiness of its flowers in addition to offering us the fruit of the delicious pineapple. There are different varieties of tropical pineapple being the sativus a seedless pineapple, the comosus that offers seeds to germinate and the lucidus that is the most cultivated for ease at the time of collection, since its leaves do not have thorns, in addition to these we can also find the baby pineapple native to South Africa of great aroma, although the main producing countries of these are countries such as Ecuador, Brazil, the Philippines, the United States or Costa Rica.
How to know if the pineapple is ready to consume it?
When you go to the greengrocer, make sure to choose the heaviest one because that means it is very juicy. In addition, at the base of the fruit you have to feel a very sweet smell and if when pressing it a little it yields to the touch means that it is perfect for consumption.