Argentinian Honey: From Bulk Export to a Unique Identity


The world of apiculture, or beekeeping, holds significant promise as a productive activity and stands as a shining example of an agri-food chain primarily managed by small-scale producers. Argentina, in particular, has distinguished itself as a global leader in honey production and exports. Yet, despite this accomplishment, there is a golden opportunity for the country's honey industry to shift away from bulk sales and carve out a unique identity for its product.

"In the collective imagination, Argentina is often associated with cattle and wheat production, but the truth is, we are also a honey-producing nation, ranking among the world's top producers and exporters," reflects Carlos Levin, an agronomist and the president of the Argentine Chamber of Honey Packers (CAFRAM). He underscores that, despite this status, not enough has been done to promote Argentinian honey on the global stage.

This is precisely why CAFRAM's mission aligns with the promotion of honey as a distinct product. Their goal is to move away from bulk exports, add value to their offerings, and establish a unique identity for Argentinian honey. Achieving this vision involves generating employment opportunities through increased demand for labor, ensuring that Argentinian honey products grace the shelves of stores worldwide, and fostering customer loyalty to Argentinian honey.

Levin further elaborates, "We have 40 companies spread across 11 provinces, allowing us to offer a wide array of honey varieties, each with its own regional characteristics, customer base, and potential. The advantage lies in institutionalizing our offerings and receiving support from the government to facilitate exports, which would open up numerous opportunities for us."

In essence, the Argentinian honey industry is at a pivotal juncture, with the potential to redefine itself and showcase its honey as a unique and sought-after product in the global marketplace. As the country's beekeepers and honey packers work towards this goal, they are not only boosting their industry but also making a name for Argentina as a honey-producing nation alongside its reputation for cattle and wheat.
