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9 de Oro Classic Black Sugar Biscuits, 200 g / 7.05 oz

$0.74 FOB price
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Prices are reference FOB prices solely for preparing requests for quotation, and do not constitute a binding offer to sell or to buy.
+54 9 11 5524-7391
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Our advantages
  • > Manufacturers, suppliers and exporters from Latin America
  • > Best prices
  • > Variety of brands and products
  • Bulk Quantities: 9 de Oro Classic Black Sugar Biscuits are available in bulk quantities, ideal for wholesalers and retailers looking to stock up on a popular Argentine treat. This allows for competitive pricing and efficient inventory management.
  • Long Shelf Life: These classic cookies boast a long shelf life, minimizing spoilage and maximizing profitability for wholesalers.
  • Proven Track Record: 9 de Oro is a well-established brand in Argentina, known for its high-quality and delicious products. This brand recognition can translate to strong sales potential for wholesalers.
  • Impulse Buy Potential: The individually wrapped cookies and delightful black sugar topping create a visually appealing product that can encourage impulse purchases at checkout counters, increasing overall sales for wholesalers.
  • Versatile Pairing: 9 de Oro Classic Black Sugar Biscuits pair perfectly with coffee, mate, or can be enjoyed on their own. This versatility caters to a wider audience, increasing their appeal to wholesale buyers.

9 de Oro Classic Black Sugar Biscuits are perfect for:

  • Sharing with friends and family
  • Packing in a lunchbox
  • Enjoying as a sweet anytime snack
  • Bringing a taste of Argentina to your home

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