Price Comparison: Argentine Products in the US vs. Buying Wholesale From Argentina


When it comes to consuming products abroad, various factors come into play that affect their prices. One significant factor is the exchange rate between the local currency and the US dollar. In recent years, the peso-to-dollar exchange rate in Argentina has widened significantly. A young Argentinean living in the United States recently revealed the prices of some popular Argentine products in US supermarkets, and the differences were astonishing. To provide a more comprehensive comparison, we'll also consider the prices of these products on the Directoro marketplace, an Argentine e-commerce platform.

The Impact of Exchange Rates: The exchange rate between the Argentine peso and the US dollar has been a topic of discussion for years. As the peso has depreciated, the cost of imported goods has risen, making it interesting to compare prices in different countries.

Product Prices in the US: In a video, the young Argentinean shared the prices of several beloved Argentine products available in the United States. Here are some notable findings:

  • Rumba Cookies: Rumba cookies, a staple in Argentina, are priced at $4.10 in the United States. At the current exchange rate, this is approximately $4.10.
  • Opera and Chocolinas Cookies: Opera and Chocolinas cookies, two other favorites among Argentinians, have significantly higher prices in the United States when considering the currency exchange rate. Operas cost around $3.40, while Chocolinas are priced at $4.30 in Argentina.

Compared to this prices, buying the same products wholesale in Directoro you would be saving a lot of money. So if you are interested on buying large quantities of Argentinian products, try

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